Friday, November 22, 2013

MORE little stitches ~

I'm So happy with the responses & emails 
that you all have sent me regarding my last post!
(and yes, Ginny C. I enjoy the process AND the outcome!)

so I thought I'd show a little more of how I do this...
(I'm working on a video tutorial too)

So as you can see, I have drawn a shape directly onto my Cupboard Cloth 
(our hand dyed osnaburg) and have begun stitching tiny little x's with one strand of DMC floss ~
working from left to right, making half stitches, then coming back right to left to cross back over...

sorry about the blur, but you can see the top row here where I've done my half stitches to the right
and am coming back to make the x's...

can you see that my x's are not even?
not counted, 
...just using my eye but trying to keep the x's and rows somewhat even...

I've switched the DMC floss colors here, to add interest to the finish ~

this will be a basket of holly when finished,
and will top a fabric covered paper mache box as a completed project.

a little more work to go ~

here is the finished (stitching only) cat pocket that I showed yesterday:

Old Friend

here is a good close up of my un-counted stitches!!
can you see my mistakes??
GOOD! ha!
that's the fun of this ~ there are mistakes!! 
(and I love them)

some of my x's don't even 'meet up' with their neighboring stitches ~ but that's ok...
 what a wonderful look this has ~
I am seriously addicted to this right now!

I used a darker thread to outline his eyes to make them a little more pronounced, 
and stitched him some whiskers too...

here kitty kitty....
I hope you're enjoying seeing this process
as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you!

I am working on more models and am hoping to release this line of simple patterns by December 1st ~
Thanks for all of your kind words and for allowing me to follow my muse :)


Tomorrow is Nancy's Burlap Wreath & Herbal Salve class here in the shop ~
the class is FULL! (yay!)
I know we will have a ton of fun, and I'll take pics for you too...

Have a wonderful day my friends ~
* Blessed be * 


  1. Love these! Looking forward to seeing their finishes too!

  2. I love this!!! It's hard to "un-train" our minds to do something unstructured. I've never been able to do free-motion quilting because it's not a structured thing...haha.

    When there's a row (more than one) of stitches I do the half stitches and then come back to complete the cross stitch. That's the way I was taught. A couple years ago I entered 2 sampler pieces in our county fair. I only got 3rd prize because the judges said my crosses were not all going the same way. I never knew they had to :) So I probably could do this "unstructured" stitching very easily..LOL.

  3. These are so great! As I get older I have trouble with the finer thread counts, but I miss the stitching. Love the primitive look -- what a fantastic solution!! You're the greatest for sharing. Have a warm and safe holiday season. Thanks so much.

  4. Love,love this process!I really want to try it and can not thank you enough for sharing the info.Can't wait to see the tutorial and the rest of the finishes.Hugs,Jen

  5. Love it, Lori. Do you still go down and up in a hole in the weave of the cloth?

  6. Lori,
    You are so smart! What a neat idea to draw the design in pencil and then fill in. Love what I see so far! Hugs, Lori

  7. What a wonderful look!!! Gorgeous work Lori! And I'm ready to meet you at Beaver Creek whenever you'd like!


  8. I love your stitching. It looks like it would be fun to just sit and stitch that way. I can't wait to see the patterns that you release and the tutorial. My list to Santa just got a little bit longer, that is for sure.

  9. Your friend Mr. or Mrs. Cat is so beautiful! My Mr. Cat is black and white spotted long haired extreme-faced Persian. I will try your technique to do one of him so he will always be with me. He sleeps right next to my head on my pillow at night. My husband doesn't like it, but a cat and his momma have to do what a cat and his momma have to do! You are a lovely inspiring person and I am so glad I get to visit your works!

  10. I am going to dig out some osnaberg from my stash and have a stitchin' good afternoon. Have a great weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving. Lee

  11. Love this look Lori. The holly basket will be wonderful. Looking forward to seeing more.

  12. simply love these Lori....and your stitches are awesome! the designs are so pretty, love them all!!

  13. I just LOVE this way of cross stitching !!!! You started a great idea , for those of us with old eyes, this is the Best solution & no one will know we goofed !!!!! It is perfectly prim !!! Too funny !!!!

  14. How wonderful, uncounted cross stitch! You make it look easy but I am sure it is very difficult to get your wonderful results but I'm inspired to give it a go. Thanks for sharing your process with us, Deb

  15. Oh my gosh, Lori. I have been struggling with osnaburg, but I have been counting the stitches and I still have tons of miscounts! Oh well... I do love the look of the osnaburg, plus I really love the price! It ages very nice. My next design, I'll have to drawn on the fabric. I can't wait for your tutorial on this! I still love your farmhouse linen...very easy to stitch on!

  16. Simply love it..thank you for sharing :)
    Big hugs x

  17. Now this is my kind of cross stitching! I love it!

    Cathy ♥

  18. Oohh..will have to try this !
    Thanks for sharing ~! xo


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