Thursday, November 07, 2013

Holly, Ivy & Calico

and a couple of Nandina Berries ~
after almost 9 years,
 we have been blessed with berries on our Nandina bushes! yay!
(the chickens usually gobble them up, but since we fenced in the front of the farmhouse they're safe)

I love that color red

hoping they'll last for the holidays ~ want to decorate with them!
here are two different varieties of Ivy 
...growing along the rock wall/fence near the 'privy' (outhouse) by the shop ~
emerald & variegated ivy
and below is one of our smaller holly bushes in the shop garden ~

no berries yet ~ need to plant more me thinks!
 inside the farmhouse, 
I've been playing in calico fabrics
and made up a litter of calico cats & kittens
for our Christmas Open House:

they still need their faces & whiskers embroidered on, then a ribbon & rusty bell
tied at their necks ~
 the sawdust is flyin' out in the woodshop,
so of course I take full advantage to stuff my goods with it ~

here are some hearts stuffed & covered with sawdust, 
 ~ waiting to become a large pin keep 

a bit messy,
but I love using sawdust for stuffing ~
it lends such an old feel and smell to my finished goods!

 Today is errand day ~
banking, PO and then taking Charlie shopping for groceries.
He is home, doing well but still needs me to help him ~ I do.

 Thanks to all who have stopped by to 'like' my new business page on Facebook :

I'm going to try to start using that page more frequently for updates & such
as opposed to my personal 'lori brechlin' page ~ so if you want to friend me over at my new page, the link is above & also on my sidebar here on the blog ~

As you've noticed by now,
I've added beautiful dulcimer music to the blog...
do you love it or hate it?
be honest & let me know please...
(I personally love it, but I do value your opinions!)
I want to learn how to play the Mountain Dulcimer and have been obsessing a bit about it lately!
Maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas or have one of his elves make me one....

...Hmm....better get my list going to send to the workshop ~

Hoping your day is filled with beauty!

* Blessed be *


  1. Love the's soothing. I love folk/blue grass music and it's great to listen to while feasting on your pictures! mother brings me these berries every year and they are so beautiful to decorate with at Christmas. Have a good day Lori! I'm from Farmville VA but live in the tidewater area now but would love to come to your Christmas show. I was in Nelson Co a couple of weeks ago on my way to Crabtree Falls.

  2. Lori, hope you continue to update this blog since a lot of us don't use Facebook. I look forward to reading and seeing pics here daily.


  3. Pam ~ I will ALWAYS be posting on my blog ~

  4. Love the idea of sawdust stuffing and the dulcimer music too. Just lovely old fashioned!

  5. What sweet little calico items you have created! While I like the music, I prefer it without as it bogs down my computer and slows everything up.

    Robin in Virginia

  6. omw...lovin the pictures, music, snow and background of ticking.....

  7. Good Point Robin!!!
    does the same here to me at home on my MAC ~ but, the option to turn it off & on is available to my readers by clicking the pause/play button on the WIKplayer...
    Thanks for your comment!

  8. LOVE the music...and I'll be checking your FB page for updates.

  9. Love the everything! It is messy using sawdust but it makes for a wonderful finished project.Hugs,Jen

  10. For some reason I don't get the music :( Love the calico items and can almost smell the saw dust! That smell is just as wonderful as newly cut grass. Have a great day :)

  11. I am not getting the music either. Love reading your blog, not much of a facebook person but I'll follow your blog.

  12. Hmm, I can't hear the music, but maybe it's just an error with my computer (It usually is!!). I love the little calico kitties. I think they are just lovely without any whiskers or face-features. I waited several years for my bittersweet to finally produce berries. It was well worth the wait. This year I have a bumper crop and have already made two wreaths and some basket-filler bundles.

  13. I check on your blog almost everyday for some creative inspiration. Love dulcimer music but it's not coming thru on my mini. :(

  14. Your nandina berries should last til you want them for decorating. I use mine every Christmas.

  15. Love the litter of kitties and the hearts are sweet! I, too, hope you continue to blog...I love reading and looking at what you've been up too...but I will check out your facebook page also. I can't hear the music...I turned my volume way up and nothing...I love dulcimer music!

  16. Lori, I love the dulcimer music, and would appreciate info as to that recording, as I find it soothing.

  17. Love the pictures and the dulcimer is one of my favorites and I do have one and it is pretty easy to play!

  18. I think the music is great! It blends with your style and site. I think it adds to your environment you create with your blog. Thumbs up here!
    Happy stitching and hookin

  19. I'm loving your dulcimer music which surprised me as I've never liked music on a blog before. I too would like to know the details on the recording you used. The calico kitties are darling too. :-)


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