Friday, November 01, 2013

Best Laid Plans ~

Move over Iggy ~
Mom's not feeling well......

I have the stomach bug.
it started yesterday and continues today...

Peter & I have been planning an overnight visit to be with Hannah this weekend, 
...and now we just can't go.
I don't feel good and I'm crying.
one word sums it up:

The Shop will not be open this weekend,
as I will be curled up on the couch
and more likely up and down the stairs to the 'powder' room in between.

so move it over Ig....
make some room for me ~

even though I'm not feeling 100%
I can't just 'sit there'... between naps & visits upstairs,
I stitched up a little something for the clothespins that Peter made me:

once finished, 
this will be stitched onto a pouch and used to hold my clothespins ~

hoping you're all feeling ok ~
& Happy November to you!

* Blessed be * 


  1. Love the clothespins and the bag. Hopefully you will feel better soon.

  2. ohhh... ick... that has to be one of THE worst sickies a person has to suffer... get well soon!

    your clothespin stitches look wonderful!

  3. Sorry to hear, especially cancelling your trip to see Hannah. Time to just snuggle with that kitty and rest. Clothespins bag is very cute and useful! Have a calm and relaxing feel better weekend.

  4. LoVe the clothespins and the sweet stitched bag. Sure hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sorry you are sick and can't go to see Hannah.... seems this bug is going around here, too... I know 3 people who have had it.
    Lovely stitching, as usual! It will be wonderful stitched into a clothespin bag.
    Fee better soon!

  6. Oh bless your heart... hope youre feeling well soon... I have been there many times and I am the same way, can't just lay around still have to do something..... I am trying my darnest to fight a head cold that is wanting to start...
    Hugs to you
    stay warm with your kitty..

  7. So sorry! hope you are feeling better in no time and can reschedule your visit to Hannah.
    Also hope that you will think about kitting/charting your clothespin bag with a few of Peter's clothespins - how cool would that be! Perfect for a gift... and for me ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  8. Bummer Lori. That's not fun...except for Iggy. He's probably very content with you sharing his space all day.
    Love your clothespin design.
    Feel better soon!

  9. Hope you feel better soon!! Love the stitching. I am a sucker for cute cat pics!!

  10. I am soooo sorry Lori. I have had that stuff twice since Avery was born. Both times I caught it from him. It is horrible. Thinking about you. Your clothes pen bag certainly looks a lot better than the one my grandmother had. She would have certainly loved yours.
    Homespun Elegance

  11. Hope you feel better soon.
    Love the clothespins look


  12. Lori, I hope you feel better soon.
    Have hubby make some chicken soup and cuddle up with sweet Iggy.
    I love your clothespins and needle work!
    Sending hugs,
    xo Louise

  13. Lori,

    Hope you feel better. Just take it easy and relax. Loving the clothespin project!

    Take care,

    Jen Mayo

  14. so sad you have to miss a visit with your daughter.....I'm sure Iggy will love curling up and napping with you all day......
    FeeL BeTteR SooN!

  15. sorry you're feeling sick, you certainly made a beautiful bag for the wonderful clothes pegs!

  16. Ah I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Iggy will snuggle with you and make you feel better soon!

  17. So very sorry, Lori. Yukkk! I hate to have a bug like that. Take care of yourself, and you should be better soon!
    Love and hugs.

  18. You've been such a busy girl, this is nature's way of telling you to take a wee break, sit on the couch, nap and stitch! REST m'dear and don't forget to breathe!


  19. Awww, I'm so sorry sweetie, its awful to have those nasty tummy bugs :(~ I hope you are out and about quickly!


    PS love the clothespin bag!

  20. Get well soon !!! Iggy will keep you company & your warm cozy house will make you feel better. Love your ClothesPins ! And stitching !!! It is so hard to miss out on a visit with your little girl...that means you need to schedule a Longer visit !!!

  21. So sorry you're not feeling well. It seems to be going around here too. Looks like you have a great "comforter" in Iggy though!

  22. So sorry .. I know how much those visits with the kiddos mean.
    Do hope you feel better soon
    much love . xx

  23. Lori, I'm so sorry to hear you're under the weather and will not be able to visit with your daughter. That just makes it all worse. Feel better soon. Sending you some big ol'((((HUGS)))

  24. Feel better sweet girl. I'll be thinking about you.


  25. Feel better soon! Love your stitched clothespins.

  26. I'm too familiar with that bug...hope you feel better soon!

  27. Ohhh...feel better soon! When I have that I live on popsicles and crackers. Love the clothespins!

  28. Go with the B.R.A.T. diet...bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Good for the tummy. Feel better.

  29. I sure hope you are all better soon! Such cute clothes pins and chart.

  30. What a bummer! Hope you feel better soon! :-)

    ~ Deb

  31. rest well and take it easy lori, hoping you're better sooner than later...

  32. Sorry to read you aren't well. Sending you well wishes!! I do love your clothes pins and stitched work.

  33. Feel better soon! Iggy has the right idea :)

  34. Hope these colorful, pretty days have helped you to feel better. It's no fun to miss your weekend with Hannah but I hope you get some comfort from your sweet creatures. Sending you "feel better" hugs!


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