Saturday, November 16, 2013

Around the corner ~

Holidays are coming...
just around the corner it seems ~

and with the onset of Holidays 
...comes stress and feelings of being rushed and hurried.

I try to take time out each day to do a little handwork of some sort to give my mind & soul a rest ~

a few stitches made,
a few loops pulled or some tiny little x's on linen 
are all I need to make me slow down a bit
and enjoy the Season....

doing what we love,
and especially making time for it
is an important part of being who we are 
and how we feel...

getting together with our Friends 
and sharing moments of creativeness, however brief ~
are things we as women have always done.

quilting bees, sewing circles and rug hooking retreats
are still going on today, but in a different way.

we can now be a part of a group via the internet
to join in and share our love of needlework...
to lift each other up with kind words and Friendship.

When I started my
in January 2013
I really had no idea of the response I would receive ~
I thought maybe a handful of folks would want to join, and we would have fun along the way.
I realized just how many of us long to be a part of 'something' together, when I received my 80th or-so
email from another person wanting to join in on my stitching club....

I can tell you how very warm my heart felt at that moment ~ I was helping to connect us all a bit more.

So at the moment, 
I am working on the Jan/Feb/March 2014 design for the LSHC
I want to Thank all of the previous members for participating this past year, 
...and welcome all of the new members as well.

The 2014 LSHC promises to be another year-full of original designs & finishes for you,
and I can't wait to release each & every one of them and share them with you!
(If you are a 'founding' member from 2013 and wish to renew your membership, now is the time to do that...OR if you are wanting to become a new member and join us for 2014, you can email me at and send me your shipping address and I will renew you)

* Blessed be * 


  1. Thank you for this post. Just got done searching on-line for my annual flight to NJ for Christmas. Always dreaded and stressful. I love my parents and love to see them, but the anxiety of travel and leaving my husband and pets behind gets more and more overwhelming each year. Thanks for the reminder to take it slow and enjoy the little things.

  2. As my list grows for today, I see my needle time coming later & later in the day. Funny how my schedule always tries to orient around my needle. My mantra is Stitch Everyday & I usually manage if only for a minute or two. I'm thrilled to see so many stitching sisters out there. With all the LNS closings I was beginning to feel archaic!! I don't blog as I'm the only caregiver for my hubby who's been fighting brain cancer for almost 4 time is extremely tight...but in these catastrophic days I find so much comfort mentally & emotionally in the rhythmic motions of needle & thread. Hug your loved ones tight.... Life changes in an instant. I am living vicariously on the farm with you!! :) Thanks for the gift of your time!!

  3. getting ready to stitch here soon!

  4. Hi Lori,
    I wish I could take your advice - I start out thinking of being this way but for some reason it balloons on me and I'm at a stress level.
    I just may try it your way AGAIN....wish me luck.


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