Friday, October 11, 2013

My New England Roots ~ Part II

My little hometown of Stratford, CT
...was established in the yr. 1637.
it is an ancient, old town full of history
 ~ as well as mystery...
I loved visiting the old graveyards
where it was so very quiet & peaceful...
where each headstone
held me suspended in wonder
with it's beauty & unique carving...
where their colors, textures & designs helped to imprint me
with a still-standing fascination
with folk art & history.
I've chosen not to narrate this post too much ~
allowing my photos to speak for themselves....
Take a walk along with me, won't you?

a cluster of memories

an ancient, leaning saltbox with a beautiful pumpkin front door

three children gone

two children gone

Death Head

early iron repair

beautiful color, carving and spelling


five children gone

I never thought of these graven images as scary ~
I never thought that playing in the graveyards was strange...
to me, they were a place
where a creative child could go
and feel comfortable amongst the cold stones and grassy mounds,
watching the wild rabbits and tiny birds that made these places come to life,
and nurturing a love for old things.
*Blessed be, my Friends*
~ Lori ~


  1. I have very fond memories of visiting deceased ancestors in old cemeteries in and around Greenwich, CT. We went regularly to tend the graves of family members, and to me the graveyards were like gardens, beautiful and peaceful.

  2. As an adult I totally agree with it being a peaceful place to contemplate. But as a child was terrified of walking past the cemetery.


  3. Just beautiful Lori. In a graveyard where some of my ancestors are buried, there are grave stones with tiny sweet lambs for children. They are so sad, but so sweet at the same time. Hope you are home safe and sound, if not, have a safe trip. Blessings, Sandra

  4. I also live in Stratford - though I never did the graveyard tour. Did you visit our "Goody Bassett Ice Cream Shop" named for the so-called "witch" we hung? The good folks of our town murdered a "witch" 40 years before the people in Salem, MA even thought of it. I like it here. I try not to think about it...

  5. Lori, thank you for your post and charming pictures. I have this desire to sit in the backyards at Williamsburg and stitch. Haven't done it yet, but its on my bucket list. Just the smell of the English boxwood entrances me. Lee

  6. I love old graveyards ~ thanks for sharing your photos!

  7. What a very interesting post. I loved it. However, all the graves of the children make me happy I live in a time when most children grow up.

  8. I love walking through graveyards, fun to read the epitaphs and get shots of the art.


  9. I enjoyed your photos. I have always enjoyed going through old cemetaries, I love them, all but one. I don't want to ever go there again, not scary but very very weird. Just to tease you a bit, some of the stones had the people buried upside down pointing down and not up. Guess where the stones said those people went? The stones were very old, not weird just different, but the other......,,,,,

  10. I love walking though Old grave yards too...thank you for for sharing the amazing photos .

  11. Oh my goodness!.. The most fabulous 18thC stones..The multiple angel/children stones are everlasting precious. Thank you for this beautiful tour.

  12. Thanks for bringing us along and allowing us to see through your eyes ! Amazing works of art. The stories these stones could tell.
    Enjoy your adventure away. ;)

  13. How beautiful the old grave stones are. So sad to see how young so many children died in those days. You can feel the sorrow, looking at the faces of the sad cherubs on the stones. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures, and your memories.

  14. Thank you Lori for sharing your walk through this special cemetery. These tomb stone are so beautiful, yet sad to think so many died young.
    xo Louise

  15. Beautiful, haunting photos. Many seem to have held up very well over the years. The old graveyards really tell the story of what life was like all those years ago. ~Roberta

  16. The grave stones are very moving. I've never seen any like this in MD or VA. Having lived next to a cemetery for almost 10 years, now, I know it is a peaceful not a scary place.

  17. Love the pictures you posted! I could spend hours in this graveyard. The stones are so unusual and ornate. Your white squirrel! I've only seen one in my lifetime and that was about 15 years ago. I saw it twice and then never saw it again. However, this year, for the first time, I saw a black one! He hung around for a few days and then was off....

    Linda in VA

  18. Lori ~
    Thank you for sharing!!! Love the old stones.
    Pug hugs :)

  19. Very special graves and tombstones. It is some how meaningful that while they passed you and us thru photos can remember them and they are touching peoples lives.

  20. Wouldn't these make some fabulous designs? Love those tombstone angels in cross stitch! Enjoy the rest of your visit.

  21. I wish that headstones today were as meaningful as those of the past. These markers speak volumes to me. Such touching words of loss and love. Beautiful!


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