Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Happy October First!

that came fast, didn't it?
I turned around and it was October first ~
my very favorite month...

October holds many memories for me, 
of course my last post reflected one from childhood,
but there are a few more memories that are held in this month as well:
26 years ago Peter & I said I do...
4 years ago my sister Jo passed from breast cancer.

I simply cannot believe how fast time passes once we reach adulthood.

that's why I try very hard to slow down and enjoy every minute of every day ~
remembering to take the time to do something for myself.

my needlework and handwork helps keep time at bay for the moments 
spent working on a project...
if just for a short while, 
I can lose track of time and not be rushed or hurried 
...by clocks chiming, deadlines looming or timers going off in my head.

that's why I design needlework for you ~
I want you to be able to reward yourselves with some much needed time to relax 
and perhaps enjoy some stolen moments of solitude...

Little Stitches Handwork Club (LSHC) 
for 2013 is coming to a close
with this, the last project:

"Happy Thankhallowmas"

...the word, 
being none found in any dictionary that I know of, 
sums up the rush of the holidays coming...
...but the act of stitching the project will hopefully bring some peaceful time to you
while you enjoy the process of pulling cotton through linen ~

Happy Thankhallowmas ~
the final 2013 LSHC project from ©Notforgotten Farm
 a simple design,
model stitched onto my stained
Old Farmhouse Linen using muted DMC thread colors....

motifs include: a Turkey,  a toothy Jack & a Fallen Christmas Tree with Axe

... it is a 'flat' project, with a cardboard insert and a wool hanger ~
backed with a piece of my severely stained muslin fabric...
(I chose to write on the back with a pigma pen)

kit includes linen, threads to complete project, chart/graph, color photos,
finishing instructions, stained fabric backing and wool hanger


The club kits will begin shipping to members this week ~
so be on the lookout for yours!


if you are a 'charter member' of the LSHC 
(your membership began with the Jan/Feb/March 2013 kit)
you can now renew your membership for 2014 ~

anyone interested in joining or renewing membership for the LSHC can
contact me at not4got@aol.com

to read more about the LSHC, please click

~ Hoping you all have a beautiful, October day!!!

*Blessed be, my Friends*
 ~ Lori ~


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary and my sympathies for the loss of your sister. Life is full of such highs and lows and you seem to embrace it all in a wonderful, thoughtful way.

  2. Just received my Country Sampler
    magazine. The article was great.
    Really enjoyed all the pictures.
    So glad you chose to be published.
    Betty in MO

  3. I also now have Country Sampler, and I must say that you have a cozy, comfortable home...just what I aspire to with mine. I also know how comforting hand-work is in these times, and I am grateful to you for the inspiration that you provide so generously.

  4. Wonderful post.
    Happy Anniversary.
    We lost our sis to colon cancer four years ago.
    I miss her always but so bad in the Fall.
    Our favorite time of year.
    Woolie Blessings

  5. Just read all about you and your lovely home in Country Sampler. I love it! My favorite house in this issue :) I love how you leave things looking old and don't try to refinish or update them. I only wished they had shown the old farmhouse from the outside:)

  6. Happy Belated Anniversary blessings to you and yours:)
    I truly know how you feel about losing your sister.
    Enjoy each day dear.


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