Monday, September 23, 2013

What a weekend!

We had a wonderful show on Saturday ~
thanks to our vendors, friends, family and customers...

Working for months, preparing for the show is always worth seeing our friends...
nothing beats your smiles & hugs!

now that the show is said & done...
I am T I R E D!

Minew sums up how I feel in the photo below :)

now I will fall back into some sort of normalcy ~ 
some sort of routine again
of 'normal' life...

instead of hitting the floor running every morning 
...and working from before sun up to well-after sundown,
I will now have a little more time to work on projects that have been waiting in the wings ~
(((so many more Good Things to come!)))

I've posted a slew of photos on the show blog:
for you as well ~
A N D 
I will be listing some of my finished Hallowe'en Folk Art 
on Etsy and Ebay starting this evening
 if you're interested in owning one of my original works.
(those that have inquired about the Little Folks under glass domes, 
I will be offering one boy & one girl on Ebay)

I'll  be stitching & punching today ~
have a deadline coming up for the 
Spring issue of 
...that needs to get to them asap!

Hoping you all have a beautiful afternoon & evening!
*Blessed be, my Friends* 
 ~ Lori ~


  1. Had a great weekend here too at the Midwest Wool Festival. Wish I was closer to you and could have gone to your show also. Minew looks so content in her burlap sack. Does she realize that burlap is all the rage this season for crafting? She's a cat, so of course she does! They have such an innate sense of what is popular and then lay right down on that item.

  2. Your shop is amazing Lori! Next year I will be able to spend more time in there because I'll leave my husband at home and bring my sisters! Great weekend!

  3. Oh Lori...your shop looks so wonderful! Someday! Minew is a little beauty!
    Take care,

  4. Really wish that I could have been there; so much temptation! I spent last Thursday and Friday in Historic Deerfield, MA, where I saw some wonderful samplers and quilts; a total New England experience!

  5. So sorry I missed your show. Had to work and did not get off in time. The pics look great. I am at the beach this week and started your Halloween freebie.

  6. Hi Lori,
    So glad the show was a huge success and that the weather didn't turn bad.
    Wishing I could have been day though!

  7. Beautiful show Lori! Everything was wonderful :) And your book is just awesome, so proud of you for this to decide which project to start first! See you again soon!



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