Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Ramblings ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~

a beautiful Wednesday morning to you all!
sunny, cool and feeling more & more like 
 ~ A U T U M N ~

the colors, scents, temperatures and textures of Fall have invaded my brain 
and I am loving being possessed by it all!

my needlework & folk art has been heavily influenced 
by the colors of the changing leaves
and our surroundings here at the farm...

...burnt orange
poison apple green...

soothing stitches

the farmhouse has become a little more snug 
...with candles lit every morning
in scents of
burning leaves

and the kitchen being warmed by the oven ~
baking apples and cornbread for supper...

I am enjoying my bluejeans, boots and sweaters...
...the feel of wool has now become familiar 
to my Summer-browned skin
once again
and hot baths are an every night celebration!

familiar faces

our bed is now warmed 
by an additional layer of old quilts...
... thick with cotton batt and old rags...
their weight on us as we sleep makes us feel safe & secure ~
like the hands that stitched them so many moons ago 
are holding & hugging us while we slumber.
~ is this time of year that I truly feel more alive than any other.
cooler temps help keep the ever-annoying hot-flashes at bay
and my walks in the woods are so much more enjoyable in this Season...
how ironic it is to feel the energies of the trees & plants waning,
while my energies are waxing like a New Moon...

linen & thread

perhaps that's how it works...
we gain strength & renewal from the Natural elements around us
so that we may become stronger and more productive ourselves?
that way we can be fruitful and care for our friends, family & selves
 a little more in preparation
of the colder months to come....

simple beauty

quiet, fresh, beloved & so very soothing...
our humble little someplace is all I could have ever dreamed for.
I just know that I am blessed to be where I am and who I'm with ~
and hope that you all feel the same way too.

*Blessed be, my Friends*
 ~ Lori ~


  1. What a lovely post. This is my favorite time of the year too. Love your pumpkins. My garden was a failure this year. 6 tomatoes, two peppers and one little green pumpkin that is still on the vine! My bittersweet is an overwhelming success though.

  2. Counting my blessings everyday Lori...lovely post and words...lots of fish oil caps will keep the hot flashies away! tried and tested by me...always a cure in nature for everything.
    Cheers, Susan

  3. .........what a beautiful post Lori....I also received my Country Sampler today, and your home is as warm and cozy as I the way, I hope you liked your boxes....smiles, Linda

  4. Lovey words from a lovely lady. I too feel blessed with all I have. Nothing real fancy but suits me to a tee.. especially family, friends, and hearth.

  5. A lovely tribute to have beautifully captured the essence of the season!

  6. A lovely post! I feel much the same way!

  7. What a beautiful reflective, introspective post! I really enjoy your writing as well as your artistry.

  8. I always find your blog so peaceful...thanks for keeping us in touch with Simple.......

  9. Lovely post Lori! So many things to love about fall. I love the extra weight of the quilts. The best sleeping time of the year :)
    Lovely stitching.

  10. What a beautiful post, Lori.
    Everything so nicely said.
    It captures the season perfectly !
    By the way, congratulations on all of your most recent accomplishments.
    You are a very talented gal !

  11. Hi Lori,
    I hear ya, sister, about those power surges. Thank goodness we are the stronger sex. I'm enjoying the warming soups and stews and there's nothing like crisp fall apples. Lovely stitching project. Mary A

  12. ah, autumn ~ what a lovely time of year...



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