Wednesday, September 11, 2013

They're here!!

Got the shipment of books!
woot woot!

I'm so excited I can't breathe ~
 so much more than I could have dreamed for ~
...superb quality from my publisher
(what else would one expect??)

sorry about the blur ~ I'm shaking with excitement!!!
So, with that said 
I will begin shipping them TOMORROW 9/12/13
to those of you who have pre ordered ~

If you haven't pre ordered and would like to purchase one from me,
you can click on the Paypal link on my sidebar ~

.....please let me know if you'd like me to sign your copy for you :)
Those of you that follow me on Facebook:
Yesterday I posted about Peter's cousin Charlie...
(the kind gentleman who gifted me with all of those wonderful glass domes a week or so ago)
well, Charlie has been hospitalized with congestive heart failure and kidney failure.

I have been by his side for two days now 
and the Dr.'s have him on all kinds of meds including morphine for pain.
He isn't well at all ~ Charlie is 83 yrs. young-at-heart...
I am also taking care of his beloved calico kitty, "Annie" while he is there...

~ please keep us in your thoughts & prayers ~

*Blessed be, my Friends* 
 ~ Lori ~


  1. Dear Lori . . Your family is definitely in my thoughts and prayers.

    The book looks amazing!

    Thinking of you,

  2. Keeping your Family in our Prayers...

    ? Is your Book available Wholesale to Shop owners?

  3. Congrats on your book will definetly look into my budget to get one :)....
    Many prayers for Uncle Charlie.. Hugs to you as well....
    Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers through these difficult days.


  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you....

    Congrats on your Book !!! So exciting to have in your hot,little creative hands !!!!

  5. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure cousin Charlie is happy to have you near.
    The book looks fantastic. BIG CONGRATS. You deserve it.

  6. I am so excited and happy for you! Can't wait to see it! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Blessings!

  7. Congrats on your book! Prayers for Charlie!

  8. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Can't wait to get my copy. Denise

  9. Your family are in my prayers and those of us who are praying are holding you and yours up. I'm excited to be getting your new book. It looks wonderful. Mary A

  10. Prayers to Charlie and you are a blessing to care for his cat.

    Cindy Huxtable

  11. Praying for Charlie and your family, and his sweet kitty.

  12. So sorry to read of the I'll health of your loved one, it is never easy to watch, my 87 yr old Mom passed in June. Your presence is the most important thing now, bless you and your family at this sad time.

    Congratulations on the book, something to be very proud of, takes alot of time and sweat to produce a book! Best, Ani in NC

  13. Prayers for Charlie and you and Peter as well.

  14. Your book looks wonderful - congrat's on being published !

    You and your family will be added to my prayers.

  15. Lori. Will be keeping Uncle Charlie and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Congratulations on the book. I am ordering one as soon as I am finished leaving this comment :).


  16. Congratulations on your new publication!

    So sorry about cousin Charlie. Sending positive vibes and prayers his way.

  17. Congratulations Lori! It is sure to be a bestseller. :o)

  18. Whoot, Whoot indeed! I will be stalking the mail person for my copy!
    Olde Crow Mercantile

  19. Congratulations! The book looks amazing and I know those that purchased them will absolutely it.
    I saw on FB about your uncle...I sent prayers and will continue to do so.
    Take care - rest yourself please!!!

  20. Lori, I just received your book to sell in my shop, and it is wonderful! I had to "shoplift" one for myself! I hope Charlie will feel better soon, and at least will be free from pain. I will keep all of you in my thoughts. Looking forward to meeting you in person on the 21st.

  21. Congratulations Lori!!! I'm thrilled to death for you and cannot wait to get my hands on your book!! No one could do a better book than you!

    See you very soon!

  22. I just purchased your exciting looking book of design. Could you please sign it for me so I have an "official and certified" copy of your book!
    Karen Chaudoin Grimesland NC

  23. I am so selfish! Please except all of the blessings from God that I know He is ready to provide for all of you. I hope you can sneak kitty into to be with him!

  24. So excited for you with your new book....I'll have to get back to you on that.
    Thoughts and prayers for Charlie and all.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Prayers for Charlie, thank you for taking care of his kitty!

    Congratulations on your book, it looks wonderful!


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