Tuesday, August 06, 2013

{ Much THANKS & A Book Cover Preview }

Peter & I would like to offer our heartfelt
 to each of you who shopped our release last night and today ~
...we are overwhelmed by your support, kind words & encouragement!
~ we are printing/processing/painting to ensure you a speedy delivery on your purchases ~
Shop Owners: If you would like to place a wholesale order with me for the new patterns, you may email us at Not4got@aol.com or contact our distributors...
here is the photo of my soon-to-be-published book
from Kansas City Star Books:
"Autumn at Notforgotten Farm"
Needlework Projects to Warm Your Hands and Heart
We are hoping for an early September release
and I am hoping to have a small book signing here at
on Saturday September 21st ~
I'll keep you posted to the release date as I know more.
I am just so excited over this book...
It has been a dream of mine forever and
to work with such an outstanding publishing company
has me beyond over-the-moon!
((click on the link above to see all of the amazing books by thee best authors!!))
I can't wait to share this adventure with all of you ~
Have a beautiful eve my Friends!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Oh I must have that book! Lori it looks wonderful, couldn't be happier for you. Your talent is endless.


  2. So thrilled for you and the book looks awesome. I know I will want a copy too. Congrats my friend. ~Nan

  3. I love it when a talented mom, wife and animal lover is so successful. It must be a great feeling to know lots of people are making your designs!!! Can't wait to order....

  4. Thanks to you, my creative spirit came alive! I can't wait to get your book!

  5. Congratulations on having a book!!The book looks wonderful!

  6. Congratulations on the new book, it looks like it is filled with wonderful designs.


  7. Way to go Lori!!! Can't wait to see this wonderful book.
    Bravo, young lady, bravo!

  8. Looks amazing . . . what fun it will be!

  9. Congrats on your new book, can't wait to order. Kansas City Star books are the best, you are in great company. I love your designs please give yoursef a pat on the back your deserve it and I am not there to do it for you. Very happy for you! Laura

  10. It looks awesome!!!! Congratulations!

  11. Really congrats dear Lori you are a creative of true talent!

  12. Congrats on your new releases and the new book! The frames go perfect with each design... Your book looks to be a must-have! Can't wait for it's realease

  13. Congratulations on your new book Lori!
    What a beautiful cover!

  14. How Exciting! Want this!

    Where did you find your broom charm? Been looking for one!!

  15. A beautiful cover Lori! I'm so thrilled for you!! The projects pictured look wonderful. Can't wait for it to come out.
    Hugs, Lori

  16. Congratulations !!!! I bet it has Beautiful patterns in it !!! You are so creative !!!

  17. OMG!! I am drooling all over my computer. This book looks AMAZING!!! You are so very talented and I appreciate your sharing your wonderful talent with all of us through your designs. I want this book so bad, like yesterday! :) Penny

    Will you have signed copies available through mail order?

  18. Congrats!!!! That is so awesome!

    Love and hugs,

  19. The book cover is beautiful! I can't wait to purchase a copy!

  20. I like..... kisses , evelyne from France.


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