Friday, July 05, 2013

{ Fall-ing... }

with the heat & humidity that we have been having
 here in the South,
my thoughts have begun to drift towards pumpkins, bittersweet & Autumn in general ~
this time of year always brings a flood of inspiration to me for new designs.
this is the finished stitch for
"The Reverend Gourdon Squashbottom"
perfect little stitches by Miss Flea
 ( a.k.a. Felicia Martin, my super talented and quick-as-a-wink model stitcher)

"the Rev" as he is affectionately known as here on the farm,
is out walking with his cat-friend, Horatio ~
both are taking a stroll on the Town Green in Autumn...

he carries with him a lamp
which he uses to light their path back to the Meeting house on the Green ~ the chilly air swirls and dives around them, kicking up dead leaves...
is that a hint of snowflakes I see in the cold night air?

Peter is creating a beautiful wooden frame for this design,
which I will paint and distress....
we can NOT wait to show you this sampler all framed up.
it is going to be

I have more Autumn-themed cross stitch designs in the works and being stitched.
their titles are:
~ "Widows Weeds"
~ "Oldwick Burying Ground"

~ "Weep Not"
~ "OWL O'Ween"
I'll share pics of the painted frames soon ~
Blessed be!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Lori, I'm loving it!!!!!!
    If you ever need another model stitcher I would be honored to stitch for you. I'm stitching Parson Brown right now.

  2. This really puts me in the mood for Fall. Love the design and the colors. Can't wait to see it framed up.

  3. Love, love, love this one Lori! Looks like a fun stitch. Can't wait to see yours framed in your special frame. You and Peter make a great team! I'm glad you like your doggy. Hugs, Lori

  4. Love it!! Can't wait to see it framed and REALLY can't wait for it's release!! ;-)

  5. The Rev looks GREAT!!! and I am so thrilled you and Peter are doing a frame for him! Can't wait to get a going on him...see you soon!

  6. Love this design. That little cat is so sweet. Can't wait for this one to come out so I can buy it!

  7. Lori, I always love the houses on your designs. It is nearly impossible to think fall here in sw Ohio, all it does is rain, rain, rain. The grass and weeds are growing like crazy! It is like spring!

  8. I love, love it!!
    Can not wait to see it framed!

  9. ohhh...i love this! It would make such an awesome hooked rug :)


  10. I am always in an Autumn mood and I love the design. It has a touch of humor to it!

  11. Your writing and story telling are equal to your designing, Lori. I love the cats whiskers and the rev's lamp.
    Fall is my favorite time of year; any designs with bittersweet coming up?

  12. The talent is just oozing off the page, can't wait to see The Rev in his stylish frame! Love the titles of your up coming projects, so creative.

  13. Gorgeous pattern,can't wait to see it framed too!!!

  14. looking forward to it!! denise

  15. LOVE THIS DESIGN!! Absolutely love anything and everything primitive and Autumn/pumpkin/Halloween related. Can't wait to add this to my stash!! Beautiful!

  16. Fall is my favorite time of time of year... love your designs as always.

  17. This looks like it is fabulous! I can't wait to see the framed finish.
    I love, love fall!!

  18. LOVE this design, Lori...wish I had time to cross stitch!


  19. Lori I LOVE....LOVE....LOVE this stitch!!! I can't wait to see it framed.


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