Sunday, June 02, 2013

{ Summerfield and Sawdust }

As promised, but maybe a little late ~
Here is my new
cross stitch design ~
( I personally love this one.)
Summerfield by Notforgotten Farm©

top-hatted Ladye, sweet sheep, beeskep & bees...lots of sunflowers too ~
 I decided to finish this into a larger sawdust-stuffed pillow and backed it with a mix of 4 coordinating repro civil war era fabrics in shades of orange/mustard/yellow ochre ~
model was stitched by Felicia Martin onto my 30ct. Old Farmhouse Linen©
with DMC threads, one strand over two threads.
stitch count is 142w x 115h
the finished pillow is approx. 7 1/2" x 10"
~ simple patched backing with hand stitching ~
 of course,
you could finish this however you prefer ~
...and we are selling our home-milled sawdust too!
a by-product of our OLD as Dirt Primitives line of wooden ware for the needleworker ~
I use this as filling for all of my pillows and pinkeeps...
i love the dense-ness of this sawdust ~
which is less 'dust' and more like small wood shavings...

Sawdust from Notforgotten Farm

4 cups-full in a brown paper bag for $5.00
(the pillow above has approx 8 cups in it but how dense yours will be depends entirely on you)
brown paper packages,......old time goodness.

the SUMMERFIELD pattern is available in our ETSY shop,
along with our own organic,
non-treated sawdust ~
let me know what you think my Friends ~
 ~ Have a wonderful peaceful Sunday!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Love your pattern. The yellows are beautiful in it. Already ordered it.

  2. I LOVE this design, Lori!!! And those colors you used are just perfect! I can smell the sweetness of those bees and sunflowers all the way here in California!!!
    Enjoy your Sunday :)

  3. This is so cute ! Love the Laydee with all her sun flowers ! Nice to be able to use your neat saw dust for filling too ! So clever !!!

  4. wonderful Lori!...enjoy your day!
    blessings, ~Ronda

  5. Just WONDERFUL! Love the sawdust, too!

  6. Love your new design!

    Also wanted to say that maybe your duck goose clips are maybe handmade sewing clips? I was thinking along these lines since they were in the bottom of the jar of buttons. I love old buttons!

    Linda in VA

  7. Love the beautiful sawdust pillow---pattern and backing!

    Happy to hear you are carrying sawdust on etsy!

    Prim Blessings,

  8. Love Summerfield and your finish! I also like the use of sawdust as a filler.....I used to use it years ago....I don't know why I stopped? and have been thinking about using it again.....I also like using crushed walnut shells.

  9. Love this new design. They just keep getting better and better, if that is possible.
    Homespun Elegance

  10. This is darling! Sawdust? Really? How very neat! I can't wait to come visit you and see how these feel. Soft?? Intriguing idea!

    See you in a little over a week! So excited!

  11. Wow! I LOVE your new pattern too:) The color choices are beautiful....especially nice how the yellow and sage green look on the linen :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  12. How this new design, Lori !

  13. Good Morning,

    What a beautiful pattern. I have a friend who also stuffs all kinds of reproduction animals, birds and make-do's. It works great!

    I love your blog and check it often.

  14. beautiful usual!!the sawdust looks very soft....maybe is not but looks like it is!

  15. This is lovely!! I'd like to have the pattern to hook!

  16. You always know how to give your friends a smile....from design, to color and the quaintness of have wrapped this gal's heart along with many others.

    I always enjoy my visits here!


  17. Great colors and love the pattern. I have used sawdust in many of Stacy Nash patterns and it works great. Good job!!!


  18. Love Love everything about this new pinkeep of yours..the colors P E R F E C T!!! Cheers, Susan

  19. IMG, that orange backing fabric has me drooling! Love anything orange, especially a Civil War repro!!


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