Sunday, June 30, 2013

{ a Pennsylvania German influence }

....Seems lately
that my work has been more influenced
by my PA German ancestors ~

i'm enjoying making simple fraktur-like drawings, paintings, folk art and needlework...
like the hand drawn note tags and little punched pins that you see here...

my mother's name is Elda Elizabeth Geiste
and she was born on this day in Harrisburg, PA in 1930
when I was a child,
my mom and her two sisters ~
Aunt Mim (Miriam) and Aunt Dot (Dorothy)
would travel down from CT to PA to visit their cousins...
she would bring us back watermelon candies,
black strap molasses and glass candies...
as I got older, trips to PA became more frequent
and as an adult my love for 'Down Home' (as mom calls it)
 grew in my heart...
I LOVE the Folk Art of the Plain Folk ~
I love the land there,
the people there
and the rich history.
and I. love. the. food.
(OH! the FOOD!)
Scrapple, Cup Cheese, Dumplings, Roastin' Ears, Apples & Ham (Schnitz und Knepp)
Buttered Noodles, Lima Beans ~ oh I could go on....
Wherever we have lived,
our home has always worn a Hex sign or two ~
warding off any evil that may wish to pass our way.
our gardens have always been in raised beds,
our clothes are always hung on a clothesline....
pure influences from my mom's side of the family.
Tonight at approx. 6:00 EST
Peter & I will be offering our NEW GOODS in our etsy shop.
you'll see pinwheels and paintings, button boxes and butter paddles,
needlework and wearable folk art ~
all with a nod to my PA German ancestors....
We hope you'll join us!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Can't wait! Iamheading to a stitch club birthday party and hoping that I will be home in time ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  2. Please tell Mom that The Queen wishes ALL the good things in life to her for her Birthday AND every other day!!!!

  3. happy birthday to your mom! glad i'm not the only one who loves scrapple! denise

  4. Happy birthday to your mom!..looking forward to your update!

  5. Happy Birthday you your mommy :) I'm born and raised in Pennsylvania as were my generation before me. So it is near and dear to my heart. Also lived in CT for a few years before moving back to PA. Love your new goods! ~Nan

  6. Scrapple...clear toy candies...Black Forrest wood carvings...all memories of my childhood influenced by my Pa. German heritage. Oh, and dark mustard...and my German grandfather did not allow his spicy mustard to be put in the fridge...heaven forbid! My maiden name... Knapp.

    Looking forward to seeing your creations tonight,

  7. I enjoyed this post so much, some I'm familiar with and some i'm not, the best kind of post, take care my friend, your work is beautiful and your heritage shines through each and every piece,

  8. I am also of Pennsylvania German descent, but unfortunately am not familiar with some of the things you remember. I will have to explore my roots and discover! That's always fun! Maybe that's why I love buttered noodles so much. :-)

  9. Love all your new items! Happy birthday to your Mom!

    My motherlaw was Pennsylvania "Dutch". She was a great cook and did beautiful handwork. Her maiden name was Vera Leoda Glotfeldy.

    Martha Doe


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