Sunday, June 09, 2013

{ a little more progress made... }

Finished stitching the Reverend's head...
i simply cannot believe how fun it is to be doing needlepoint!
only having to stitch in one direction (unlike cross stitch) really makes for a fast, fun stitch ~
and the #3 perle cotton fills up the canvas too!
...what do you think ~
does he seem to be paranoid? ...wary?
does he look like he's smirking or like he's had too many nibbles on candy corn? ha!

now, those of you who have been needle-pointers for years may cringe at my stitches ~
no, they are not flat & even.
no, they are not straight and they don't pretend to be...
...they are simply stitches made by my hand & needle & thread.


I LIKE the look of imperfection ~
much more interesting (to me) than trying to replicate machined stitches.
I am human, I flub & take wrong turns.
but I truly, deeply enjoy the process of handwork and I truly love my outcome.

(( now he looks like he's worried about those scissors poking him...))

 we've all heard the saying:
Life is about the Journey,
Not about the Destination.
well my journey has dropped stitches and mis-counts...
color mistakes, wrong choices and smudged fingerprints
...and lots of loose end that add texture to my little world.
how very boring my life would be if it were perfect, and as such, my needlwork too.

as a teacher of needlework,
I am definitely very lax about my methods...
I want you to enjoy the process of creating, not worry about your outcome.
I want you to be pleased & proud that your hands are capable of creating and if your finished product makes you giggle, then my job is done.
don't judge your work by others' work.
you'll never be happy with yourself then.

( oh the needle is threatening Him!!!)

be kind to yourself and forgive your mistakes...'re in great company!
I'll stitch on this a little more today and share more progress soon,
but I have been sketching out some new frakturs
(that will be turned into needlework designs as well)
and want to offer them in our ETSY shop this evening ~ little framed originals.
...have a beautifully imperfect Sunday my Friends!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Love this Lori and especially "wonky stitches" It is the true charm of handmade~ you make art the real deal this way.

  2. I Love how this little guy looks ! Perfection is boring ! We love the Hand Made Look !!!

  3. I love needlepoint Lori. Used to sell hand-painted canvases until it just got to be too much work. Seeing yours makes me want to pick up wools again.

  4. I was going to say that your fellow looks like he's saying "watch where you stick that needle lady".
    I always like to see what you'll design next. Can't wait to see this one finished. Enjoy your work.
    I find needlework (the little bit that I do) relaxing. I've been doing a little cross stitching. Have made a few mistakes but say that no one will know they are there but me.
    Have a happy week.
    Charlotte in Va.

  5. Hey Lori, I'm with you all the way!
    I love this little guy! I think the needle is making him a bit nervous.
    I enjoy needle point, find it relaxing.

  6. Hi Lori!

    I'm with you on irregular stitches and imperfections. That's why I love primitives!

    Prim Blessings,

  7. Lori,
    What a wonderful attitude you have! Can't wait to see your finished project.


  8. He's wonderful Lori, amazing how some artfully placed threads can add so much character and tell a story! And I think your stitches are lovely, as you said we are human and make mistakes and that's what makes our creations our own. Can't wait to see the rest, now I want to try needlepoint! Deb


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