Monday, May 20, 2013

{ spoiled rotten }

That's what he is...
spoiled rotten.
and he knows how to manipulate us with his charming little bird-personality.
see how he weasels his way into our hearts?
(and hair)...

see how coy he acts as he snuggles up against our cheeks?

but we oblige him ~
we allow him to walk all over us
and nest in the crooks of our necks
for a short nap.

Hannah was home last weekend for a visit
...and met Mr. Peach for the 1st time.
it was love at first sight ~ for both of them.

what's not to love?
I am home from a week's visit to CT ~
always good to see mom & my sisters...
the Brimfield show was great ~
beautiful weather, lots of walking, great food and thousands of vendors!
I didn't buy much ~
a small bag of whalebone buttons,
an old rug hook (told you i'd find one!)
and some cruddy old wooden boxes
...that will become pinkeeps.
I have been working on a book deadline,
and got alot of work finished for it while being up home.
this week will be filled with finishing up details, paperwork, filling orders...etc.
we are also planning on another update here on the blog with new (and wonderful) items...
and I'll announce the date for that soon ~
In the meantime, I have been designing new cross stitch patterns
...and hope to release them early to mid June ~
one is entitled
and the other is called
"Reverend Gourdon Squashbottom"
and I am hoping to get a couple more finished up ~
I almost forgot to tell you that I will have another design in the upcoming
which will be on newsstands in another month or so ~
never too early to think of Halloween around here!
...the design that will be in the publication is called
"Matilda Hornbuckle"
so sharpen those needles my friends, gather your flosses and linens...
there's lots of Good Things coming!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Sweet, sweet pictures of Hannah and Mr.Peach! Glad you had a good trip. Hope we get some sunshine this week!!

  2. Can't wait for my JSC! Denise

  3. Mr peach is sweet. Can't wait to see what you have been working on

  4. well sounds like you are keeping really busy! glad you had a nice visit with your family and still seemed to get work done! and yes i can see that mr peach is a spoiled lil sweetie! so great! enjoy your evening!

  5. Hannah is beautiful - great eyebrows! I am so jealous of the adorable Mr Peach!!

  6. Mr. Peach was named correctly. Do your cats bother him? We have a Tiel and our cats really give him the eye. Mary A

  7. that loving bird photo is priceless!
    Sounds like busy times for you!! Best wishes!!

  8. Love Hannah's bangs and yes she has awesome eye brows!!

  9. Mr. Peaches looks very happy with Hannah. Glad you had a good time up home and glad you made it back safely. See you soon..

  10. Is this your daughter....she's beautiful and I see Mr. Peach loves her too.
    Glad you got to go to the show in Brimfield - some day I will get to some shows in the eastern states.


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