Sunday, May 12, 2013

{ A Mother's Day Gift }

I'd like to wish all of my readers a very
~ Happy Mother's Day ~
I value each and every one of you,
and think of this blog as my small gift to you...
if I can make you smile, cry or laugh out loud ~
remind you take notice of the small, everyday minutia that makes up our daily lives...
if I can share with you some of my feelings and values,
and help you to understand who I am & what propels me ~
and in return receive your gift of friendship & fellowship...
then I am the one who is truly blessed.
so here is today's gift to you...pretty pictures:
tiny Minew sitting on the shop porch in the morning sun ~

she sends her Mother's Day wishes to you all ~

this is where we think Minew has been living...under the shop porch!

her little 'front door' is flanked by sweet Lily of the Valley

how very lucky to live in a garden....
how very lucky we are that she found us.

purple iris

white iris

there is something to be said about a strong man who can also be so very gentle ~

a small harvest of strawberries

it will be another beautiful day ~ xoxox
Thank you all for your gift of Friendship
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. She looks very happy to be at your farm! Enjoy the day and Happy Mother's day to you too!! Hugs, Lori

  2. Minew seems to be very content with her new home. Happy Mother's day to you.


  3. Happy Mother's Day to you Lori! Thanks for all your beautiful pictures and for your blog!

  4. Hi Lori, Happy Mothers's Day!
    How lucky Minew is for finding such a wonderful new Mom and Dad.
    We are blessed to know and share our daily happening here.
    Thank you!!!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you Lori! Thank-you for so lovingly letting us have a window into your world and sharing your thoughts! How blessed we are to have your blog and friendship! I so enjoy each and every post and even tho we are miles apart I feel like we are family!! Those photos of Peter and the new little kitty brought tears to my eyes this morning.... so precious!
    Blessings and Smiles from WI!!
    Cathy G

  6. It is always so cheerful and cozy whenever I visit your blog and see your wonderful pictures and designs. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day!


  7. Lori, your blog makes me smile, laugh, wonder, appreciate and generally brightens my day when I read it. Thank you! Happy, happy day to you! ~Maria

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you too !!!! I look forward to visiting your inspire me too....Thank You !!!!

  9. Pretty indeed!!!
    Happy Mothers Day to you!
    Prim Blessings

  10. Happy Mother's Day to you!
    Hugs :)

  11. Minew has found a lovely home and tender loving care!
    Happy Mother's Day

  12. Thank you Lori! I love to peek in on your life. It reminds me of my childhood growing up on a small farm. It's such a treat that you share with all of us.

  13. Happy Mothers Day to you Lori.....enjoyed the beautiful pictures of the farm, flowers and pretty kitty, Blessings Francine.

  14. Lovely post Lori!
    Happy Mother's Day....You have lots of mothering to do there on your farm!!

  15. Merry Mother's day to you Lori. Your photos are lovely. Thanks for making me smile.

  16. Your lovely kitty shows up on Mother's Day Eve? Friendly and loving?? Coincidence?? I think not. This is Suzy's gift...Mary A

  17. Minew was absolutely meant to be with you. We think there are wonderful fur angels that come into our lives to bring us comfort and love.

  18. Happy Mother's DAy! And just as you became a new mother once again. Minew is so sweet . . and a very lucky little kitten. You and Peter are such a gift to creatures everywhere . . . I so wish the whole world was as tender hearted!
    Your iris are beautiful . . . ours are a bit behind this year . . . they have been shy . . . and a frost warning to boot tonite!
    Lori Ann

  19. I truly enjoy your blog and thanks for bringing it to us.

  20. You are blessed to have received such a sweet furry gift for Mother's day! Happy Mother's Day!

  21. I enjoy your blog, posts take a lot of time, thank you for sharing! love your flowers!

  22. Thank you for sharing your gift of creative talent. What a sweet pic of your man and the kitty. Blessings.

  23. I think Minew must be Suzy's Mother's Day gift to you, Lori. She's adorable!

  24. Minew is precious.
    What a tremendous gift !
    So content sitting in the sun with a full belly !


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