Friday, May 24, 2013

{ finding my needle...}

As the weather turns warmer,
my thoughts always turn to cross stitch ~
I love to work with wool
(when it's a little cooler out)
lately the linen & threads are calling.... I just need to find my needle.

do you feel the same way as I do?
do you tend to stitch more in the warmer months and work with wool more when it's cold out?
or am I just different that way....

I'm gravitating towards the floss palette you see above...
berry red
pale peach
fern green
and dirt

I've dyed up some linen,
grabbed an old basket to hold my new project,
and I'm heading out to work in the natural sunlight in the garden....
...working in the sun helps my tired eyes with those tiny little x's.

 I have a little project finish in mind for this small whisk broom ~
I think you will all be pleased with the results.
it will be a quick stitch.
nothing too daunting as I wade myself back into my seasonal stitching...
I'll save the bigger designs for autumn/hallowe'en ~
 if you'd like to use a whisk broom like this one shown here,
try etsy & ebay
and your local antiques shop
even your hubby's garage or basement may yield one for you.
~ mine measures approx 6" wide x 11" long ~
I'll share the finish with you tomorrow ~
if you are looking for the freebie design that was on my header,
it can be found on my Samplermakers Forum ~
if you're not a member, me for an invite!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. ooo, I love the look of your goodies, the thread, the linen, the scissors, I agree, wools is fine for the cold months but its nice to do cotton and linen stitching in summer, smalls, the kind of lap pieces that are easy to bring outside!

  2. Pretty . . enjoy your stitching! Linen does have that summer essence. (I do use wool year round, but funny I only seem to knit in the winter!)

    Happy stitches,

  3. You always inspire! I can't wait to see the stitching that you do for the broom. Ahhhh...loving the olde!

    Bright Blessings~


  4. I always love seeing your creations! what a joy to share in the things you do! have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  5. I can still remember my Dad Whisking out the back seat of the car. He always kept a Whisk Broom in the trunk. Eager to see what you will dream up !

  6. How fun :) I can't wait to see what you've created. Right now I am knee-deep in knitting a funky camp bedspread...but I'm pondering which cross-stitch project to work on this summer...I've got afew that would look good on my walls...ok, ok...I've got A TON that would look good on my walls. I also have the the House & Birds Happy Birthday freebie from you all stitched & waiting to be framed!
    Busy, busy, busy!
    Smiles, DianeM

  7. I love all that appears in your images, a real joy for my eyes!


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