Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Taking a Break ~

yesterday evening I decided to take a much needed break and go for a walk ~
I brought my camera along in case anything interesting was snap-worthy...
you decide ~
(but be warned, there are lots of snaps, and a few surprises too!)
little wild viola

a clump of wild violettes


yearling on the ridge


new wisteria

lemon balm spilling into the path

shop garden


bumber-bee on my redbud tree


a look back...
sunning his wings


can you see who's in the picture below? 

take another look...

a young blacksnake

we can see you now!

you don't scare me....


new buds on an ancient oak

graveyard of the Proffit family


twisted wood
our guinea hens

bobby & nocchi

hay wagon at rest

old pump house
 and as promised,
here are a few pics of Billy AND his tail!

(((((I'll be sharing a surprise with you all soon...)))))
have a beautiful wednesday my friends!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. I really enjoyed your snaps from your walk...what beauty you are blessed with!

    Anxiously awaiting your coming soon surprise!

    Prim Blessings,


  2. Lori you had me scared there for a moment...I thought you were leaving us here in blog land!
    I loved your 'break' - such beautiful photos.
    Thanks for taking us along with you.

  3. *** I would never leave blogland...I have too much fun and love all of my friends here!

  4. Your walk took me back in time to when we lived on a place like that and I spent every day I could out walking, such beauty, thank you so much for taking us with you.

  5. What a beautiful place to live and go for walks. I love going for walks, it rejuvenates my soul.


  6. Lori,
    You live in such beautiful country there! (save for the snake LOL!) Yippers! Not used to seeing them so close up! Thank-you for sharing such gorgeous photos! Your peacock is wonderful! Such magnificent beauty... I enjoyed your "break" too! Thank-you for your uplifting post! Much needed and appreciated in this chaotic world!
    Blessings to you!
    Cathy G

  7. Love your photos. Reminds me of visiting Grandma in West Virginia.

  8. So pretty....I didn't like the snake though, gives me shivers ! Your animals are all so colorful , so nice to be out in the fresh spring air !

  9. Thank you Lori, I enjoyed our visit!
    So lovely to see everyone enjoying the peaceful day.
    xo Louise
    Even the snake!

  10. Afternoon Lori, really enjoyed your picture post today, such beautiful Spring time photos....thanks for sharing, loved them, Francine.

  11. It was fun to take a stroll with you and enjoy the view.

    Darn,you got to see the first black snake of spring before me. I've been looking but haven't seen one here yet. I'm not afraid of snakes either and enjoy watching them move.

    Once I was surprised to see a rabbit attacking a snake which must have gotten a little too close to it's babies. Amazing the natural mother instinct that animals have.


  12. Your pictures are lovely! We have had snow for several days now - no spring things yet!

  13. I enjoyed this break so much, please take us with you on every walk!

  14. beautiful pictures....I spotted that snake in the first photo, he scared me!!!!! You know that dove on the Proffett head stone would make a neat hooked/punched piece.

  15. Lori ~
    Great pictures! Thanks so much for taking the time to post them.
    I saw my first snake the other day :) I welcome them in my garden.
    Pug hugs :)

  16. Beautiful pictures! Much needed. Thank you for sharing...

  17. What a lovely walk around Notforgotten Farm! There is always a special feeling there and you've captured it in your photos!

  18. I really enjoyed our walk together....

  19. I loved going on your walk. Hope to see you soon. hugs....

  20. How blessed you are to live in such a wonderful and beautiful place, surrounded by many things that I love: deer, wisteria, redbuds, beautiful land, a peacock! Not to forget the perfect backdrop for your lovely shop. Seriously very blessed! Thanks for taking us on a tour, I thoroughly enjoyed it! =]


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