Thursday, April 25, 2013

{...stitching, stitching...}

in my last post I shwoed you how I dip-dye my threads...
I did get quite a few emails & comments regarding a few things I forgot to mention:
oven temp for drying/scorching: 350 (but stay close to the oven!)
time in oven to dry: about 20 minutes if the threads are really saturated.
where do I get my walnut dye: I make it from our walnut trees...
take 2 black walnuts (either in their green husks, or not) and plop them into a pot of water.
boil until the water becomes as dark as you'd like.
skim off the 'yuck' on top and let cool.
remove nuts/husks from dye bath.
now you can add water (or not) to make a stronger/weaker dye.
here are a few closeup snaps of what I've been working on....
you can see some of the dip dyed perle cottons in various colors ~
(oh, and PLEASE excuse the cat hair!!!! Iggy loves to 'help' me work with wool & threads!)
I don't 'do' a blanket/penny rug stitch at all...I simply whip-stitch....much more fun & folky looking.

I like to mix cotton fabrics and wools,
I like to mix perle cottons and linen thread for my stitches...

simple, yet interesting with different textures.

(my stars, is there any hair left on the cat?)

I'll soon be adding different stitches such as this tiny colonial knot ~
 a patchwork of cotton & wool

these photos represent two seperate projects I'm working on...

different colored perle cottons against wool, on top of checkered homespun cloth...

when in doubt, always add a touch of blue!

blue ~ my favorite color

(seriously, where is that naked cat?)

love to mix it up!

tiny prints, tiny stitches, bold colors, large stitches...
whatever fills your heart ~
no rules, no 'wrong' way...
just enjoy your process and let your work come from your soul.
that is FOLK ART....

happy stitching!
{{{reminder to self: find the lint roller and/or make the cat wear a spacesuit.}}} 
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Love the different textures (even what Iggy adds to the mix). I need to try the dying, I love how yours turned out. I will have to find some walnuts to boil (no tree here). Can't wait to see what you are stitching, very intriguing!


  2. I love the cat hair, all my stuff is lovingly adorned with Corgi hair! I never thought to dye the thread....will have to try that next time...and looking forward to seeing the projects you are doing!

  3. Just love your patchwork,,,anxious to see the finished piece.

    I know about those little hairs, having three of my own cats, What would we do without roller lint brushes! Love the spacesuit idea!LOL


    from: 4theluvofprimitives on etsy

  4. LOL.."seriously, where is that naked cat"..too funny. Oddly enough, if you hadn't mentioned it was cat hair I actually would have thought it was just threads..:)

    Beautiful work!!!

    I am working on my first pattern for a mixed media applique project and I am having SO much fun, it's hard for me to put it's all I want to do.

    Wishing you a cozy day of stitching

    ~ Lori

  6. I love how you mix & match .... that is folk art ! I can't wait to see what you made, the kitty fur just adds another homey feeling !

  7. Lovely! Can't wait to see the final product *sigh* love the combinations!
    I understand the cat hair :) We have a bald mini dachshund (seriously - he has a skin issue and little hair) and sometimes he sheds so much I think there is more on the couch than on the dog LOL!
    Blessings, Patti

  8. swoon...a project is not complete without a good dose of cat or dog fur...

  9. Oh my Lori...these will be amazing! I so love your style!
    Maybe if we mix your cat hair with my dog hair we'd really have somethin' !

    Happy stitches,

  10. I enjoy your unmistakable style. Easy going and folksy ! Lots of great texture. The finished designs will be beautiful. ;)

  11. Very nice...I do the blanket stitch and get scared to afraid it will not look right...but yours is wonderful. Love to see the full projects.

  12. Wonderful stitches and love the different textures.Hugs,Jen

  13. Wow, cannot wait to see what you are making - it looks fabulous!!!

  14. I admire all your works of art. And, just for the record..... my pieces have dog hair in them I'm sure.

    Question..... I'm hooking the Red Bird of Pennsylvaia antique adaptation and would like to tone down the cream border. I know you have mentioned toning down your hooking and think you said you BRUSH it on? Could you write me and elaborate? I also have walnut trees near me and have frozen some juice so have some ready to go after thaw.


  15. HI,... Thanks for all the information! Answered all my blackwalnut dye isn't the mystery it was before... I'm anxious to see your final results... Thanks again!
    Val in Kansas

  16. Oh my goodness! Look at all your beautiful, beautiful work! (and, what could be more folky and homespun than a few kitty hairs?)

    I love it all, Lori ~ thank you so much for sharing so many of your special touches!


  17. What wonderful sneak peeks, your colours and textures are great! Love all the kitty hairs too, in this house it's dog hair! Can't wait to see the finished pieces, Deb


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