Sunday, April 07, 2013

Rugfest Photos ~

Hello Friends & Folk!
I am back from the 2013 Virginia Rug Fest ~
and let me tell you, I believe this to be thee BEST one yet!!!
the weather was Perfect this year...not a drop of rain in sight!
Miss Joan came with me to help me unload, set-up, cash out customers. give advice, razz me, eat lunch, antique shop, buy WOOL, and generally (try) to keep me in line....
Those of you who visited my booth yesterday know I get a little (?) nuts at a show.
and I do apologize for my behavior...
 I am who I am and can't pretend to be something I'm not.
I LOVE you folks, love what I do and love to share....
so thanks for putting up with me :)
ok...on to the show ~
here are snaps of my booth...





This is thee exquisite traveling rug show from 
"Eye See You II" project
from artists and speakers Judy Carter and Leonard Feenan

breathtaking rugs....really, I have No words to describe this!
more pics on this below ~

here are just a portion of the hookers that attended ~ I think the rest of them were either shopping in the vendors rooms or perusing the rug exhibit...

hi everyone!
a closer look at those eyes......
....can you identify the animal?

I seriously wanted to dive into this beautiful display of Mary's wool...
and roll around a bit in there.

THIS crazy nut decided to pose for me, below....
what a wool-diva!!!

we are a bunch of lunatics...
each & every one of us in our own special way...
these two were a hoot!
OH....and they pointed out the fact that I was
(embarassing-ly and unknowling-ly)
wearing a $5.99 price sticker on my crotch....yeah,....
then told me that even though I was a cheap & easy hooker,
that I really didn't need to advertise and put a price on it.
Bwahahaha!!!!! kinda girls!

ok, stop laughing now.
here are more rugs from attendees ~

Here is sweet friend Cindy Hartman (Hartman Hook Fame) admiring the rugs...

My sincere thanks to all  who visited and shopped with us
....and helped to make this rugfest a most enjoyable one!!!
Thanks to Miss Joan ~ are you even out of bed yet today???
Thanks to Mary Henck for putting on another wonderful show!
and thanks to Debra's (Handmaiden Designs) hubby for helping us get our stuff to the car!
....see you all again next year!

Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. looks wonderful, I love looking at what others hook.........and your booth is awesome!!!

  2. Lori:
    Looks like you had a wonderful time and got your wool fix :) Wondering if you sold the adorable little girls sitting on the small chairs in your booth? If not, I would like me information :) Thanks! Christina

  3. Lori ~
    Thanks for the tour! Eye See You II is not my style but absolutely breathtaking to see in person. I've seen it at Sauder and words cannot describe the detail.
    Happy Sunday to you!
    Hugs :)

  4. I am still laughing!!! Cheap date! Loved your booth display and it goes without saying the rugs are fabulous. Glad you had a fun and successful event.

  5. Your booth looked so nice....and all those Eyes !! WOW !!!! Just looked like a great show....All the wool looked beautiful ! What Fun !

  6. Lori,

    Looks like you had a fun time with the "hookers". The wool looked gorgeous. Hope you had lots of sales.

    Prim Blessings,

  7. Your goodies in your booth are beautee-ous as always !!!,,Hmmmm $5.99,
    now that is a cheap hooker !!!lol...oh, all in fun !
    Those eye rugs are awesome, but would hate to run into them in a dark

  8. Amazing rugs!!! Looks like so much fun!

  9. Lori,
    The rug fest looks like it was a lot of fun! Your booth is wonderful as always. Thanks for showing us. Hugs, Lori

  10. looks like you can't take some hookers anywhere without them trying to pick up a few bucks...

    thanks for sharing the show with us!

  11. Truly enjoyed your rug show and your booth looked lovely; hope you did well.

    Funny $5.99 story an sure everyone got a good laugh ~ laughing is good.


  12. What a fun time had - wish I could have been there.
    Your booth is just beautiful...very inviting.
    Love the 'hooker' intended
    Many blessings,

  13. Well . . that's almost more eye candy than I can take!!
    Thank you for sharing as only you can do!


  14. Shows are so much hard work, glad you have a great time!

  15. Oh my goodness. Your booth was wonderful and the rugs are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing things like this. What a happy lovely site.
    Thank you my friend

  16. OmG Lori!
    What a fabulous booth you had! I love the light and airy feel! So funny the 5.95 price tag... sticker shock for sure! LOL!! I SO wish I could attend one of your events out there... someday maybe when we sell a ton of wool here!!
    Amazing eye rugs... in my minds eye there can be no limits with rug hooking... Love love everything!
    Thank-you so much for sharing all of it!!
    Cathy G

  17. Lori, wow and wow again! I am not sure that I have ever known a hooker that sells so cheap, ha ha, that was too funny!!! Perhaps it's better I wasn't there, I probably would have spent way tooo much money, lol. Most likely I would have had to have everything in your booth! Thanks for sharing, unbelievable how talented your group of rug hookers are, wow!


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