Saturday, April 20, 2013

A little inspiration ~

I know that many of us are inspired by our surroundings ~
and it only takes a quiet look around to see colors and textures
that would be good in a new design...
that happened to me today!
while working in the shop this morning,
and rearranging all of the beautiful new wools we have
(from Rebecca & Besty)
my mind kept wandering to a certain rug in one of my older books on rug hooking...
big old cupboard stocked with wools

heaven !


another cupboard, this one is an old hoosier ~ packed with wools

delicious !
 So I grabbed the book, Joel & Kate Kopp's book to be exact,
and found the rug I was thinking about....
(I made a copy of the photo from the book, so I wouldn't have to lug the book around with me)
and got to work designing a large adaptation of the one in the book.
my adaptation of the antique ~

then the fun began!
...choosing the wools for this design would be a challenge,
 because I'm using mostly as-is textured wools
but with the help of friend Joan,
I think we did a good job at picking just the right ones...

is there anything more fun than playing with wool?...nah, didn't think so.

I never include my initials in any of my work,
choosing to either sign it or add some kind of label to it...
for this rug I wanted to include 'LB'

initialed and ready-to-hook !

as you can see by the photo below, there are LOTS of motifs in the antique rug ~
I chose the ones that I liked best and drew them in my "style"
...more whimsical than the original, I think...

birds, urns, horses...tulips, roses, vines...berries and leaves!
I will block-hook the background in browns & blacks,
... as the original was done.
I already have the horse hooked and flower above it,
and the lower portion of the tree-trunk hooked too...
will work more & share a few snaps of the progress in tomorrow's post :)
Peaches has become quite comfortable here with me...
he comes into the shop to work when I do ~ so be sure to say hello to him!
(we're trying to get him talking!)
Yesterday he entertained us by dancing to Country music on the radio...
(the little goober dances better than I do!)
have a beautiful evening.....
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. I must say that is going to be one beautiful rugh, congrats and good luck.

  2. I can't wait to see it. Rock on Peaches!!

  3. just love your cupboards!
    and your rooms!
    the rug is wonderful, your initials look just fabulous on it, please show your progress as you go, I love seeing your work!

  4. I love the way you design your own rug, your inspiration coming from whatever catches your eye....awesome, and can not wait to see this finished!!!!

  5. What a great design and what a beauty it will be. Love hearing about Peaches and so nice to know he/she is feeling right at home at the farmhouse. Smiles, Nan

  6. I wish I did not live so far away...your shop looks so inviting.

  7. Beautiful Lori!!
    It's SO funny . . . I was just looking at this same photo and dreaming away! I can't wait to see your rug finished!

    Your new little shop keeper is such a dear . . . bet he's talking up a storm in no time!


  8. I am going to have to come to Virginia soon! I can't wait to see the rug. I like the motifs you chose. The antique one is pretty, but it is hard to take in all of the designs. And, I love your big initials! Just so beautiful pieces of wool. It is like jewels isn't it? :)

    Blessings and hugs!

  9. Yaye! Pictures of your shop!!! I live so far away, but I hope to get there one day~

  10. your shop is adorable and so inviting!! hope to get there some day!!! Denise

  11. This rug is looking to be awesome! Your shop really does look like such a relaxing and inspiring place to be! A short video of Peaches dancing woul dbe fun! ;-)

  12. I miss your shop ..will have to plan a visit soon !!

    The rug will be lovely always ~

  13. What a lovely design and sooooo YOU!! Gotta get over there, soon to meet Peaches and check out that gorgeous wool.

  14. Lori all of your pictures are inspirational. If I lived near you I'd be visiting daily just to look around the beautiful shop. Oh, maybe not because I'd surely end up in debtor's prison.

    Cannot wait to see your progress on the new antique adaptation you will be hooking.


  15. Lori ~
    There is so much inspiration to be found in the Kopp's book! Your adaptation is going to be wonderful. What size is it? I look forward to watching your progress.
    Hugs :)

  16. Will you be selling this wonderful rug pattern? It looks like a fun hooking project. You shop is so welcoming and warm...some day...

  17. I know it will be beautiful! Lovin' all that wool! I'm with the other girls...I enjoy your shop pics and hope to visit in person some day.
    Go Peaches!

  18. Lori I can't wait to see this finished. :0)


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