Monday, March 11, 2013

That's RIGHT!!!!!

We are having a YARD SALE!

Saturday, March 16th
10:00 - 3:00
no early birds!
Felicia, Joan & I are gathering some of our goodies ~

books, magazines, fabric, sewing needfuls,
household items, clothing, etc...
we will have tables set up outside the shop full of gently used items ~
you never know what you'll find!!!
this sale is going to be held outside the shop and does not include anything inside the shop :)
you can email me or call for directions ~

ok, I'm off to purge the sewing room!!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Have fun!...Lori, you never cease to amaze me with your blog header and design,,.always beautiful!

  2. Purging is good, but somehow I always end up with more stuff!

  3. Wish I lived nearby. I'd come to every happening at the farm :) Have fun! ~Nan

  4. That sounds like real fun but I will be winging my way to Key West then...always miss out on fun stuff when I go away, which is rarely...but I will say I am looking forward to some warm weather..this past weekend was just a big tease!

  5. sounds like fun! wish i could make it. denise

  6. probably will be the best yard sale I've ever missed :(

  7. Lori,
    wish I could come.. sounds like what we all need right now.. a great way to welcome spring...

  8. If only I lived closer. Hope you have good weather and a great sale.


  9. Wishing you nice weather and lots of buyers! Wish I could be one of them! Sounds like I'll be missing lots of good stuff.

    Prim Blessings,


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