Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sheep Rug Progress ~ and my little Suzy

Hi Folks ~
please keep my little kitty, Suzy in your prayers?
she's been having trouble breathing and very lethargic lately, so I brought her to our vet this morning.
She is dehydrated, and will have to have bloodwork done once she is rehydrated enough.
most of my readers know how much I love my animals, and my friends and family know for sure how much little Suzy has been in my heart for almost 16 yrs.
so if you would be so kind
as to send up a thought or two for a little fur-person
 I would be so appreciative :)
and onto the rug progress ~
here is what I drew out after sketching a few others:
1863 SHEEP ~ drawn onto grid-transfer paper

I want to keep this rug very muted,
so I dug through old wools in my basket(s) and found these suit me....

old skirts, shirts, some boucle wool from Rebecca...

Oh! I wanted to show you this humongous basket that I tote around with me...
(I had to repair the handle with wire & homespun)

Hannah used to play in this basket when she was little :)

so I pulled a few loops of the 'whites' fon the sheep....
the darker wool loops will become it's facial features, hooves and shadows:

a couple of loops pulled last night.

Some of you emailed to ask about the little hook I've been using lately...
I have been using a Hartman primitive hook for years & years...but, my almost 50 year old, overworked hands get so sore from the heaviness of that hook, that I thought I'd try something new.
This is a little white Miller hook that is has fast-become my very favorite!

little Miller hook ~ so light to use!

I am generally a very 'high' loops are pulled very high ~ but I have been hooking alot 'lower' with this little helps me to keep my loops more even, too.

getting started....

I hand-cut my strips using Fiskar spring-loaded scissors, so my strips aren't perfect ~
usually I cut them about 1/2" wide to hook with my Hartman hook, but using this Miller hook
I have been cutting them about 1/4" instead.
I love how handcut strips make a rug look, I just don't like lugging that cutter around!

hooking the sheep's tail ~ un-even strip widths and a little lower loop height (for me!)

This is what the "business end" of my Miller hook looks like
for those that might not be familiar with them:

like a little shoe-button hook.
I picked up a couple of these hooks for the shop, and will be placing a shop order with Nancy (Miller)
for more...she has a nice selection of wood handled hooks, pencil & pear shaped.
Well, my friends ~ thank you for keeping us in your thoughts today,
and for visiting with us.
I'll keep you posted on the rug progress and Suzy's progress too!
(and another apology to my sweet friend Jane
for my having to cancel last minute, but Thank You for understanding!)
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. I will be sending a little love and prayer your way Lori! Love the rug and I think the colours you chose are perfect. I love the muted colours.

    Keep us posted
    Hugs to you

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your little friend.... prayers for Suzy.... I do hope she gets well soon!
    Loving this latest hooked rug... I know it will be fabulous! Love the muted colors, too. I look forward to seeing the finished project....
    Have a good Wednesday!!

  3. Lori,
    I hope your little Suzy feels better.... it's so hard when they get sick... hooking helps to calm and ease the worry a little...
    you are doing a lovely job on the lamb and it's so interesting how you hand cut your strips. I love the look of a hand cut strip. I've always heard good things about the Nancy Miller hooks too.
    Will be keeping you in thought and prayer!
    Cathy G

  4. I hope your little Suzy feels right as rain real soon. I hate to hear that a fur baby is not well. Keeping her in my prayers.

  5. I'll keep Suzy in my prayers..The Creator understands how his four legged creatures ,our pets ,are so very precious to us !!
    LOVE the final drawing and the progress on your Lamb rug so far ! I must admit though, I use my cutter now...Had to hand cut my strips with a fiskars rotary cutter when I first started hooking...almost cut the tip off my finger and said that's it...Too dangerous for family cringes when I have scissors, knifes,even forks in my watch cautiously as I cut my wool...making sure I don't put my fingers through that either...

  6. Lori,I will be keeping Suzy and you in my thoughts and prayers.The rug and the wool choices are beautiful.Love your basket.Hugs,Jen

  7. So sorry to hear your fur baby Suzy isn't feeling well....I send best wishes to her & keep you all in my thoughts....

    Your sheep rug looks awesome ! The hook you are using looks nice & light too .

  8. I will keep Suzy in my prayers. I hope she is feeling better and the vet can figure out what is causing her distress! Love the look of the new rug!

  9. Hi Lori,
    I know how much Susie means to you and we are all praying for her. Please take care and hopefully little Susie will be on the mend soon.



  10. I hope your kitty is well soon. We have fur-people that live here, and even though they drive me nuts sometimes, I don't know what I'd do without them.

  11. Hoping Suzy gets better real soon

    We have two kitties here at home .

    Love the rug !

  12. Lori, I am Thinking of you and your family. Having a sick pet is so stressful, especially when they have been a part of the family for so long.
    Homespun Elegance

  13. Hope Suzy is feeling better soon...saying a little prayer for her. Your sheep pattern is so wonderfully it!

  14. love the way your sheep is hooking!

    I'm keeping you and your little Suzy in my thoughts and prayers, Lori, and hoping that tomorrow will be a better, healthier day.


  15. Sending prayers Suzy's way! I prayed yesterday for the IBKC kittens and today they are better, so I know it works.
    I love your laid back approach to rug hooking. No rules, just do it! Hugs, Mary A

  16. You were in my thoughts all day. Did you get my call this afternoon? Hope you're OK. Missed you today. I'll be in touch, tomorrow.
    Hugs and Love...

  17. Poor kitty, and you :-( almost nothing worse........

  18. Lori, I will be thinking about Suzy and keeping positive thoughts. Give her a nice petting for me. I am allergic so I can't do it myself. But I think she will enjoy the attention while she is trying to heal. MartyG

  19. my thoughts and prayers for you and Suzy...hoping the rehydration gets her feeling much better...

  20. Praying for comfort for Suzy.
    Animals are the regular and routine heartbeat of a homestead.
    Beautiful Sheep design.
    The colors are perfect.

  21. praying for your sweet Suzy.
    Lovin the design and colors.
    And what a basket of love.
    Love it.
    Woolie Hugs

  22. love it!! I HAVE to start hooking......Love to Suzy :)

  23. Aww...hope sweet Suzy is feeling better soon.
    Rug is looking great already...look forward to seeing it complete!


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