Saturday, February 16, 2013

Past Rug Regression ~

I've been going through my photo files
...and found a few of my earlier hooked works ~
for your amusement here are a couple!
"CRAZY HORSE" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ in private collection

"1887 SHEEP FARM " ©Notforgotten Farm ~ in private collection

"TULIP CHAIRPAD" close-up ©Notforgotten Farm ~ in private collection


"FAT CAT" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ in private collection

"OLD GLORY PURSE" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ in private collection


hooked rose, in progress....

"ROOSTER" a Mad Hen Design adapted by me ~ in private collection
Hoping your weekend is spent doing what you love!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Your past rugs are awesome
    Love every single one of them

  2. Lori,
    All such darling rugs! I esp. love the sheep farm and the flag purse! You were born to hook!! And to design!!
    Big Hugs!!
    Cathy G

  3. Great rugs! Thanks for the show.
    Hugs :)

  4. Lori,

    Your hooked rugs really inspire me to try again. Years ago I started a wooly lamb on burlap that seemed to stretch out of shape I'm sure it was my not knowing proper techniques.

    I need to take a class..yours are wonderful. Thanks for the pics.


  5. I still laugh when I see cats done like your Fat Cat because I thought that whirly part on them was like showing their entrails (like an xray)and that was how it was done in earlier days. After buying a pillow with two, I figured out it was the pattern of their fur!!!

  6. Your work is so nice...always a pleasure to see what you are doing.

  7. Oh that was fun and kept me wanting to see more. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Your ability was just there from the start !! Love all your designs and color choices !!
    Beautiful show of your past creations !!

  9. Thank's for sharing . . . what fun it is to look back.
    Each is lovely!



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