Saturday, February 23, 2013

Healing ~

My broken heart is healing,
...thanks to the kind words from so very many of you ~

Hannah sent me flowers to cheer me & Iggy up...aren't they beautiful?

it's ok, Iggy ....

and of course, I've been keeping my head & hands busy with handwork...
the soothing rythym of pulling loops helps to muffle my sad thoughts.

here is just a little progress on my sheep rug ~
hooked in a very 'rough' fashion ~ I want the sheep's coat to look like our Mama sheep's coat ~ her name is Esther

close up of my hand cut strips...I'd say between #6 and #9 cuts all worked in together...
the 'whiter' wool I'm using is from an old skirt ~ it has a tendency to fray a bit
but I like how it hooks up a little shaggy...


I'll be hooking the trees next,
adding some leaves (that aren't on the original pattern)
for some color and balance, but I do want to keep the hues of this rug light and faded-looking...
I'll hook the background in a more 'even' way ~
making sure my loops are more the same height as each other,
...that my little sheep will be even more dimesional to the eye and touch.
little sheep
words cannot express the range of emotions I've gone through this past week...
but I want you all to know that you have had a huge part in helping me heal. love to you all.
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Love how the rug is turning out.My thoughts,prayers and hugs continue to be with you and Iggy.Hugs,Jen

  2. Hannah is a kind and loving are blessed.

    Your sheep is looking the hand cut strips and the rough looking's perfect! May the hooking and God's peace continue to heal your heart and Iggy's


  3. Morning, my heart breaks for you, the flowers are beautiful.......Love the lamb and how your rug is coming along, Hugs Francine.

  4. What beautiful flowers from your thoughtful daughter! I'm glad you are starting to feel a bit better... losing a pet is so very hard.
    LOVE the way your sheep is looking! It will be a great rug... Isn't it amazing how some handwork can comfort your mind and soul...

  5. Sweet Hannah. Daughters are wonderful! They know just the right things to do. Your sheep is over the top - I love him.
    Homespun Elegance

  6. My heart goes out to Iggy. I know animals can sense the abscence of a friend. As sad as this all is you have brought me JOY, yes knowing there is a kindered spirit who feels the loss of a pet the way I do. Thank you for sharing your feelings, although I know it must be painful for you.

  7. Lori, how sad your heart is.....poor Iggy must miss Black Suzy too. It's nice that you have each other to comfort...
    Your sheep looks magnificent! Of course it look fabulous when it's all done.

  8. Thinking of you with prayers. Sweet daughter!

  9. Little Suzy will never be forgotten. Love her for always, but try to let Iggy help you heal. My sincere sympathy.

  10. I just read your post about Little Suzy! I am so sorry for your loss. They are so like a family member and it is always so hard to let go and say good bye. My prayers are with you.

    Your sheep is coming along beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Lori...the flowers are beautiful, what a wonderful daughter. Iggy looks so sad,I hope he heals from the loss of his Suzy. I have a black kitty "Molly" that looks just like Suzy and it broke my heart.
    Hope you all heal soon!

  12. I know how hard it is to make this decision about our furbabies. But I know - and you know - they need us to help them when they cannot help themselves. I know all of Suzy's friends welcomed her home with lots of meowing and barking!
    She reached the "other side" with lots of fanfare and love!

    Linda in VA

  13. I know the pain of losing a pet, My heart goes out to you.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. I love the way the sheep is turning out!

    Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. You have a very loving heart, Lori. I just know a new little soul is waiting for you somewhere. Your loving heart will draw them near. Peace and hugs to you. Mary A

  16. Lori, So very sorry for your loss. I've heard it said that a pet's love for it's owner will keep it alive far after it's body is worn and tired and yet, our love for them must let them go while we know that they will live on in hearts and memories. When it comes to our furry companions it's true that "Love Never Ends", even after they're gone from this world.
    The flowers are beautiful and what a comfort to have such a sweet daughter that understands and shares in your sorrow.

    Last but not least, your sheep rug is coming along nicely and I love how you have hooked the sheep to look wooly! Your creative talents never cease to amaze me!

    Hugs & Blessings,
    Sher (NY)

  17. Oh, my heart aches for your loss~ prayers for you~
    Your sheep is looking warm & pretty~

  18. Such a sad time for you. So sorry.. Our sweet pets sure take a piece of our heart with them, when they go. I just lost my sweet dog Nala, so I feel your pain. Cross Stitching has been my sanity through a very sad time, so I am glad you are keeping busy and I absolutely love your sheep rug :-)


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