Thursday, December 06, 2012

A Simple Little Thing ~

Here is the little quilt that I've been working on ~
such a sweet, simple little thing...
wonky little squares in my favorite folky colors ~

I am not a quilter...and I surely don't pretend to be one,
...but I love to stitch together tiny scraps of fabric into small quilts.

my little red doll bed under the tree in our Keeping Room...

you can see clearly that my corners don't line up, and what should be 'square' really isn't.
but, isn't that what draws us to those perfectly IMperfect doll quilts of long ago?
...made by a mothers' hands for her daughter
or most likely
made by little hands just learning to stitch?

somewhat mitered corners, but no, not really...
 with every stitch I find myself carried back to a time when I first learned to sew~
all thumbs but with great expectations.
how connected we are to our past generations when we put needle-to-fabric...
string quilted and hand quilted together
Lynda from Primitive Pieces by Lynda
sent me an email and this quote was at the very bottom:

"QUILTING should be fun.

Being overly critical of what you make spoils that concept somehow
don't you think?"
'nuff said!!
Blessings from the Farm


  1. Love the colors...and the sentiment. I used to teach sewing for a quilt fabric store, and I would tell my students, that we all start at the same place... Your little quilt is so sweet on your dollbed!
    Val in Kansas

  2. Sweet little quilt. Looks like an antique. Great job and yes I completely agree with that quote.

  3. So simple and sweet, love that the corners are different, that's why I love homemade goodies. Stitched from the heart, wonderful warm colors.......just perfect with that adorable little bed......Blessings Francine.

  4. Ok Lori, just make one up for me, let me know when it's finished! It is sooooooo sweet and it does really look old, just lovely.

  5. is this for sale ??? LOVE it !!!!!!!!

  6. That's the sweetest and most precious quilt I've ever seen. Honest! Happy Holidays.
    love Annette

  7. Love your little quilt !!! It looks like an nice old one & the little bed is really cute too ! Lucky Doll !

  8. Sure nuff!! It is adorable!!


  9. Lori, I think your doll quilt is everything perfect ~ how much sweeter for it's humble-ity!


  10. I love the doll bed, it is so tiny, that just it's size makes it folk art.


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