Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Day in the Life....

...when I die, and am reincarnated,
 I want to come back as one of my cats.
hey, why not?
sleep 18+ hours a day, free meals, cozy sleeping arrangements....
Mr. Ignatious Katt a.k.a. Iggy a.k.a. Pig
 oh, hey there, Pig, did I disturb your slumber?
sorry (hehe)
 did you want me for something Mom?
yes, Iggy...I whisper...there's a squirrel outside the back window...
 a squirrel? mean let me check it out!
where's it at?
 I can't see him Mom..where's he at?
right there...under the bird feeder....
Mr. Sleepy Pants can't find him...can you?
 There he is! get him!!!!
neener neener neeeener....*nibble*
ouch!...dang it Mom! why do you make me do that?
(I hate windows)

razzem frazzem squirrel!
(((well, perhaps I don't want to come back as one of MY cats after all....)))
I received a loverly phone call from Mizz Mary Lou Kantz just a bit ago ~
seems as tho her eagle eye spotted an error on the directions of my
Tinsel Towne cross stitch pattern...
it should read:
"stitch design using one strand of floss over 2 threads of linen"
apparently, I wrote & printed the opposite onto the thousands of patterns that have already gone out.
*sigh* what's a human to do?
Blessings from the Farm


  1. Lori,
    You would make a lousy cat, because you cannot sleep and do all of the millions of things you do every day.
    Merry Christmas,
    Homespun Elegance Ltd.

  2. HAHAH!!!! you're right there Mizz Sandra! Merry Merry to you & yours!

  3. Don't ya just hate that. I think we can all smile 'bout that one. :)

  4. What a life!Iggy is a blessed being.Loved the pics!Hugs,Jen

  5. OMG! Yippeeee! I'm sooooo HAPPY that was a mistake! lol! I read the directions when I first got it... and was putting off starting it cuz i thought it was over 1... lol! Whew... now me and my tired eyeballs can start on it this weekend... :-) Luvs the prim linen by the ways.

    Always enjoy pics of Izzy... even though he n=bonked his head... ;-)

  6. i think my dog would have broken through the window to get at that squirrel


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