Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Open House ~ pictures

Hello Folks!

thought you all might like to see a few snaps of todays' open house....
we had a perfect Spring day ~ warm temps, sunshine & light breezes.

the bumbler-bees were out in force today,
and those that visited got to see them firsthand...I love them, but unfortunately, they eat the wood siding, poles and wooden gutters on my shop....

So, here is the inside...have a wander around!!

* old-time goodies & prims *

~ folk art & needful things ~

dolls, quilts, bunnies...oh my!
hooked rugs & mats, woodenware and handwork too!

we had a great crowd...always nice seeing our friends ~
from near & far :)

...unique items for rug hookers ~ one of a kinds and originals!

Peter potted up some fresh herbs,
and everyone went home with some as our gift to enjoy in their gardens...
here are sweet annie & spearmint pots ~

~ we decorated the porch and garden too, with goodies for your primitive home ~

... a little front porch swingin'
(hi Cindy!)

Here's our friends shopping for their goodies ~

...lots to look at, LOTS to love!!!
and sweet treats to eat, too :))

~ wall-to-wall primitives and farmhouse stuff....
love love love ~

we especially love when we have a bunch of folks come exciting and fun for us!
I hope you all enjoyed visiting with us today!

Thanks to Cindy & Joan for helping out today, and for putting up with me (always) ~
and to the kind folk who came on out...and to YOU for your visit here on my blog!
...c'mon by and see us soon!!!!
Blessings from the Farm!


  1. The store looks wonderful - wish I lived closer. BTW I love your bee rug - the colours are perfect. Can't wait to get my patterns I ordered. Hope you don't mind if I kit it for my customers along with the pattern..thanks for the tour of the store - so much eye candy.

  2. Hi Joni! thanks for your visit & comment ...please do kit it up...they should be there for you any minute!

    Blessed be,

  3. Hi Lori,wow,great pictures and even better prim goodies. Wish I was there shopping,boo hoo!!!! Blessings Francine.

  4. Lori,
    Love everything! Wish I was close enough for a visit..

    Love your notforgotten farm redware platter!! Who did that for you? I would love to get a olde lady morgan one. OLM

  5. Dear OLM...EVERYONE is close enough for a visit!!! c'mon down!

  6. wish i lived closer. boy ,i really wish i knew how to hook. do you sell kits and hooks on line or only in the store? denise

  7. Hi me, I would be happy to make a beginner kit for you!

  8. Love every "nook and cranny" of your day I will stick my "nose" in every one of those nooks!!! Happy for your great day!!

  9. Everything looked so wonderful!! Hope you had a good crowd. My brother-in-law just loved the critters!!

  10. Love, love , love it!!!! Shall I leave the snow and the dreary Alberta weather and come down for a lesson and a kit? Ha ha, maybe this year...... I love everything, looks like all the other folks do too! Wonderful to see it busy and so full of goodies.
    Margaret B

  11. thank you for this virtual tour of your open house! wonderful things from top to bottom, i just loved seeing it. what a neat place, you have styled everything beautifully, lori! all the best to you, karen

  12. Such a great tour. Love your shop! might have to do a road trip some day :)

  13. Love, love, love your shop... Wish it was not so far from Wisconsin. I have sweet annie everywhere(literaly) but it's just starting to peek out of the ground. The wraths I made last fall have retained that wonderful smell. Happy Spring.

  14. What a wonderful shop. Sure do wish I were closer...I'd love to wander through and look at all you have to offer! =)

  15. Oh gosh darn ..sorry I missed it ..we had car problems here !


Thank you kindly for visiting with us ~ we love to read your comments! ~ please leave us a note...