Sunday, April 22, 2012

Richmond, Virginia ~ VCU Campus

here are a few snaps of the campus that we visited yesterday...
I don't know the names of the buildings, but they are beautiful ~
This one is a theatre:

love the turret and stone on this one:

this is the building where Hannah will be living:

another view of the building that will be where Hannah's room is:
(I told her to get the v e r y top, see the bigger window up there?)

this is our group, with Peter & Hannah to the left...
it was nearing the end of our walking tour, so we were getting hungry & tired

the history of Richmond, VA is very interesting ~
with it being the Capitol during the Civil War...
there's lots to see and do here and I'm looking forward to visiting this old city again soon! NOT looking forward to Hannah moving away :(

...enjoy the rain today, we need every drop!

Blessings from the Farm!


  1. The campus looks beautiful. Congratulations to you and your daughter.

  2. How exciting that Hannah is going to VCU. My husband and I both went there. I know you will miss her but at least she will not be too far away.

  3. I am also a VCU alumnus and just loved going there! So much to see and do and that was way back when! We were there last year for the Monument Ave 10k and the campus has grown so much, I didn't recognize a lot of it. She will love it! Go RAMS!!!

  4. Looks like some beautiful buildings and such a rich, rich, history. Hannah is lucky to be going there I'd say....Brings back lots of memories of going away to school for the first time. What a frightfully exciting time that was! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. 2 more hours to Material Girl;) VCU is a GOOD school! Lucky girl:)
    What is her major?

  6. Wow Lori I can't believe Hannah is old enough to be going off to college. You seem to be handling it well! The campus looks beautiful. Maria

  7. Lori, put Hannah on a lower floor in the dorm....immature students set off the fire alarm every night for months....also it is safer there.
    Love your blog. When we lived in Va. my daughter went to Mary Washington in Fredericksburg. We loved living there. North Carolina is home now, but still miss Va. Lee

  8. Welcome Hannah. I am from Richmond and also work downtown. It is a beautiful city with so many beautiful buildings. I hope she loves it here

    The theater is the Landmark Theater which was called the Mosque for many many years. This is where my daughters prom is being held next Month.



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