Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saturday's Stump Doll Class ~

What fun it is when friends gather 'round to create...
...we laugh, eat, stitch a little, eat some more & laugh a LOT more!
and so it was yesterday, at the doll class here in the shop...
left to right are :
Margaret, Joan, Robin, Jennifer and Michelle (my sis-in-law)
...Grandma Judy was here too, but she was camera-elusive....

Here is our table ~
pins, needles thread...
fabric and scissors were flyin'!!!

I showed them all how to design their own doll,
& although basically it was a simple, primitive stump doll,
SOME of us decided to add arms...and legs...and blue wool hair, and pinafores...
and that's where the fun began!

Here is a doll that was finished, and 'glopped' up with my staining mixture...
(Robin, is this yours??)

after they were handsewn, stuffed with sawdust, clothed and stained,
we distressed and aged them even more with coarse-grit sandpaper...
see the holes in the doll's skirt above?
(yeah, now I KNOW this is Robin's doll...
she took her outside, beat her up and dragged her in the dirt a bit
...but she looks FABulous!!)
The weather was sunny & nice,
a little breezy but perfect for drying doll bodies out in the sun...
and although we did have a couple of lady-bug-interruptions and husband shenanigans,
I think we had a swell time...

My thanks to the girls for coming out, and for making the class so fun & special...
hugs to you all!!!

While Jennifer was here, she brought along some of her aMAZing tambour embroidery work...
it is so delicate and fine work ~ it made us all gasp when she unveiled her larger project,
and I would really love to learn to do tambourwork...
I asked her if she would entertain the thought of perhaps teaching a beginners' class here at the shop and she said yes, so folks....if you would love to learn an OLD, beautiful and unique needlecraft and are interested, please drop me an email ~
~ AND ~
please visit Jennifers' blog at:
blessings from the farm,



  1. I would so much rather have been there doing that, than here doing what I was doing. Looks like the dolls turned out great....and if Robin is neglecting her doll, you let me know - I know another Robin who would happily adopt her! ;o) Hope the day is treating you good....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Looks like you all had so much fun ! :)

  3. Had such a nice day. Thanks for the lesson and friendship. Eli just loves the doll...he is dragging her around!!!!!

  4. I wish I lived closer! Would love to have been creating with everyone!!! OLM

  5. You're sweet to mention my work. :-) Thank you for such a fine time. I enjoyed every second of it! I can't wait to take another class with you! xxoo jennifer

  6. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. It's always nice to get together with friends and create!
    Prim Blessings

  7. Lori, looks like everyone had a lot of fun! I wished I lived closer to be able to participate. Love your wonderful shop!

  8. I love seeing pictures of your store....I would love to get into all those nooks and crannies!!

  9. Sounds like a lot of fun:) What a great time with the gals. -Steph-

  10. I see your all image. According to me you got lots of enjoyment on this class. I wish to plan this type of class with my cousins.

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