Sunday, March 04, 2012

Ironstone & Crows

Hello Friends & Folk ~
it's a beautiful early March day here on the farm...
sunny skies, not too cold and a tad breezey ~

all the better reason to grab a cuppa and in between window-washing,
share with you a coupla snaps of some goodies I found recently :

here's a sweet smaller sized candy-jar, that I picked up from Robin's shop
it's perfect to hold my handmade soaps in the bathroom...
yesterday, between dropping Hannah off at school and then driving to her concert,
I stopped off at
Blue Moon Antiques
and found some ironstone goodies...
here's a smaller pitcher and an oval platter that works in our bathroom too:

and, Peter had a really cool idea for a shelf ~
he took my vintage sleeve-presser (ironing board) and mounted it in our bath...
the doll-on-bobbin is from Fiddlycat (Rachel Burke), the little pitcher is Homer Laughlin
(found yesterday) and the small, homespun covered jar holds more of my handmade soaps...

I also tied up a small bundle of linen, brown calico & old feedsack for the bottom 'shelf'.

and look who came by for a visit today...
(not that he's not here EVERYday)

Mr. Crowe, as I call him...
has been visiting our backyard feeder as-of-late ~
he waits until the chickadees & titmice are finished,
...then he scurries along at the bottom of the feeder's pole to find his helpings ~

He is rather polite, and will graciously wait his turn.
He looks to be a small Rook, approx. 12-14 weeks old, and is fairly-new to the social scene....
he is sleek and skinny, but energetic & quite alert!!!

...he has been chortling and cavorting about for days...
his family is near, and he always makes sure his Momma is in his sights...

I love his blue-sih/black color...his shiny feathers and his black beak ~
something about those crows that tug at my heart!!!
All Crows are Welcome here at Notgforgotten Farm...

we have neighbors that dislike them,
{{as crows have a penchant for corn}}
but I will always love & admire them for their intelligence and family-commitment ~
Did you know, that when a crow dies, the 'family' will mourn the departed? even scavenging for shiny offerings to leave at the base of a tree, like a pop-top, silver-paper or bit of old metal?
did you know, that when an adolescent crow gets into trouble, say, for not being polite in his circle, that the 'family' will hold 'court' and judge the crow's actions? If said crow is found 'guilty' of his crime, then the crow will be punished by the Elders, perhaps by not allowing him to forage with the family, or even going so far as to chase him off for a day or two ~
until he redeems himself to his clan...
{{as a grouping or family of Crows is known by...I learned all of this from the History channel ~}}
All I know is, they are beautiful and such a pleasure to watch...
I love how the babies hop, how the Momma's feed them
and how the Daddy's stand ready for fight-or-flight
....I don't mind one bit if they make a racket
"borrow" shiny things or have a taste for corn...
(perhaps I should offer my visitor an ear or two??)
blessings from the farm,


  1. I have a lot of these big black birds that come in my yard many times a day. You can always see the little individual "families". I put out Ritz crackers for them. They gather them up and then land on the deck and dip them in the water bowl - their version of tea and cookies I guess!

    Linda in VA

  2. Oh LINDA!!!! how very cute ~ I would be snapping pics left & right of them if they were on my very sweet & cool...

  3. Oh LINDA!!!! how very cute ~ I would be snapping pics left & right of them if they were on my very sweet & cool...

  4. I am so very glad that all crows are welcome at NFF.....I so enjoy my visits. ;o) struck upon some of the very things about crows that endears them so to me. ;o) Such sweet treasures you've gathered - what a clever shelf! It's perfect in your bath. Hmmmm....You and dear Peter may have just started a new rage. Happy, happy, Sunday....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. What a keeper your husband is with that splendid shelf!
    I loved all the crow lore. We have flocks of them here at our house. I haven't seen them at the feeders though. I wouldn't mind! I like them!

  6. Really interesting post!!I'll look differently at crows from now on. your sleeve press shelf is just the coolest idea I have heard of in a long time!! Brilliant!!!--Jan

  7. Oh...I love crows too! I also watch the history channel and was facinated when I learned about the "murder". You have a fine crow at your place. I live up in South dakota lotsa corn here and crows. Fun! Blyn

  8. Hi Lori,
    Love the old jar and it works perfectly for your fun.
    Oh I love Ironstone and this works great in your bathroom...neat little pitcher.

    Now that's one creative hubby you have there. Isn't it fun when they are in tuned to what we love. I have a husband like that too.


  9. Such wonderful finds Lori!!!
    What a wonderful idea to use your sleeve presser board as a shelf!
    Gotta Love them Crows!!!
    Prim Blessings


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