Friday, March 30, 2012

The Garden of Weedin' ~

....I've been weeding!!!
it's not even April, and I've got weeds!!!!!
...True, it may be but a small patch, but my herb garden holds my heart ~
I love how everything has been blooming-forth these last few days, albeit a bit early for some of the more tender plants....
my little garden angel holds her skirt and I fill it with seed for my feathered-friends ~

I had to get a shot of our outhouse door, as it stands in our garden amongst the climbling roses, wisteria and sweet annie....
(not your common, privy, ours has a flusher & a sink!)

here is a smiling face for you ~
this little Green Man welcomes the New garden growth!!

my tender strawberries...I cannot wait to taste their sweet-goodness again ~

this is the little strawberry patch that yielded hundreds of berries last year!!
right outside my shop's front door....

a full wheelbarrow (one of many) that I filled today
and dumped for the donkeys & sheep ~
they just love when I weed!!! hahhaha!

close-up of my beautiful wisteria ~
oh the hummingbirds have even visited!!!!!
(I know...I think it's waaaay too early for them too)

....more wisteria growing next to our privy ~

and yet another shot of it climbing along the fence....
I love the purple colors it has & it has me wanting to dye some wool to match!

and here are some tiny little violas...
sweet little volunteers that great us each spring...
I love all kinds of violas ~ from full-blown pansies to tiny johnny-jump-ups, to deep purple violets with their peppery-cloying-scent...

I hope the weather has been nice for you where you are,
I saw on the news this morning that some of you are bracing for some winter-like weather
(what?...what is that?) but I'm sure it won't be visiting you long ~
and before i go for the evening,
did you see the 'blurb' at the top of the page about the
No Cookin' Just Hookin' club ????
c'mon out & have some fun with us!
blessings from the farm,



  1. I love your wisteria! It is one of my favorite Spring-time flowers and some day I will have some of my own. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers.

  2. The flowering trees and shrubs and all the blossoms have me grinning from ear to ear. I have a young wisteria that is just budding up. My lilacs are in bloom!! I can't make it tomorrow but I'm going to try to get to the hooking club soon.

  3. Good Evening Lori,oh my,love your pictures so much,thanks for posting and bringing a little Spring to me. The Angel is beautiful,I`m sure the birds enjoy the seed you put out. Blessings,Francine.

  4. Your garden is absolutely lovely.

    Wishing you hours of fun at your No Cookin' Just Hooking!

  5. I wish I could drive down and join in on the no cookin...just hookin! Sounds like fun. I'd bring the darling bee pattern that just arrived. Thanks! I can't wait to begin hooking it!
    Love your garden tour!

  6. ohhh just love your wisteria shots and the privy hahahah love it ..
    glad to hear the donkeys enjoy it when you weed too :) love mouse xxxx

  7. Everything looks great. I cant wait to make it to the Hooking Club. Plans today but
    def. next Sat. See you soon.

  8. What wonderful photos of spring Lori - but that wisteria is positively breath-taking. It doesn't grow in these parts....does it bloom all summer too, or just in the spring like lilacs? GORGEOUS!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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