Tuesday, February 28, 2012

be still my heart ~

Happy Tuesday!!!
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!!!
I am blessed with your friendships ~

have you seen these new magazines yet?

they are awesome. I love combining my primitives with vintage-farmhouse-y things...
and I cannot WAIT to start digging in the dirt this year!!!
we will be putting up a greenhouse and I plan on decorating it with primitive & vintage finds ~
do any of you have a greenhouse? I would love to see pics for inspiration....

SPEAKING of pics for inspiration, I have been absolutely lost on Pintrest lately ~
i have asked for an invite at least one hundred times and just LOVE this website!!!
I'd like to pin some of my favorite pics on there too....
.....Like this one:

Iggy, warming his fur-butt next to the woodstove this morning.

and perhaps this one...
my favorite little CLOVE jar that sets upon a kitchen shelf...

how many of you are on Pintrest?

I'm off to enjoy my simple birthday...
I will hang the laundry
feed the chickens
gather fresh eggs
sweep the front walk
and let the beautiful sun shine on my face ~
(thank you, Mom, for having me)
blessings from the farm,


  1. aww cute iggy :)
    have a lovely fun day..
    big hugs cucki xx

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May your day be filled with sunshine and happiness and the year be full of joy and contentment.

    Pinterest is very addicting. I can send you an invite if you haven't been able to get on yet. Let me know.


  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI...I hope your birthday is everything you wish for..
    Enjoy your day...a piece of cake will be eaten in your honor :)


  4. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you have a marvelous day....after your chores that is.
    Yes...I love Pinterest....so many creative people out there.

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday...Many Blessings the whole year thru!

  6. Happy, Happy Birthday...Many Blessings the whole year thru!

  7. Happy Birthday! I am on pinterest - it's totally addicting. There is a link to follow me (if you're so inclined) by my picture on my blog.

  8. Oh- I find it a little difficult to find people on pinterest - add a linky thing to your blog - makes it so much easier.

  9. Ooops - left my birthday wishes on your last post..... ;o) Sorry - can't help you out with Pinterest....I visited a few times and was amazed when I looked at the clock and saw the time that had passed. I truly don't need another addiction at this point! And, the attorney in me has some real concerns with the copyright issues presented by the site. (Suffice it to say, I read the terms and conditions of use...hello - I'm not going there....) Wishing you sunshine & smiles ~ Robin

  10. Enjoy your birthday, Lori!
    That Iggy gets cuter every day.
    I love your Peacock Farm punch. I don't wanna do it, I want yours. :-)
    I joined Pinterest but haven't totally figured it out yet. I love it and, yes, it's very addictive.

  11. Happy belated birthday... I love pinterest too. There are not enough hours in the day or night! LOVE YOUR BLOG

  12. Wishing you a lovely birthday Lori! May the day bring you all that is bright and beautiful!
    Hugs from my beehive,

  13. happy birthday, Lori. I will send you an invite to pinterest. have a lovely day.

  14. Happy Birthday! Lori
    Pinterest can be addicting, and all I do is look, lol

  15. I'm on Pinterest! I love it. I have so many ideas saved on my boards. I don't think I can do them all in my lifetime! lol
    Happy Birthday!!!

  16. Happy Birthday and it sounds like you've found the perfect way to spend it.

  17. Iggy is too cute~ what a capture~
    whoops guess today is your birthday~ yep I am getting ahead of myself
    enjoy your day~

  18. Happy Birthday Lori!

    The Vintage Style is new to me. I saw it in our local grocery store a few days ago and made a beeline to it, even though I am a prim girl.

    Would you like to share your Pinterest site with us? I've been on it almost a year now so it's not quite as addicting as it once was, thank goodness, lol! But I would love to follow you.

    Sounds like the perfect day to me... the simple ones are absolutely the best especially when you can enjoy the outdoors and sunshine. =]

  19. Yes, I'm on Pinterest, and I must confess, your pics are among my favorite pins! Hope you don't mind. It should be sending a lot of visitors to your blog!

  20. Have a special and fabulous Birthday Lori! You are a wonderful woman and you bless this earth with your spirit!

  21. Hi Lori,
    Happy, happy day to you. Sweet cat- great name. Have never been to the Pintrest site. Will have to check that out.

    Again, hope you have a wonderful day!


  22. Happy Birthday Lori!! Enjoy your day!!


  23. Hi, Lori:
    I think the clove jar is lovely. Little Iggy, I love him.
    I'm on Pinterest, but I don't use it much.

  24. hope you have a wonderful birthday!!denise

  25. Hope your special day has been a true blessing..... Always, Faye

  26. happy Birthday! I love Pinterst! It like looking at an endless stack of magazines.

  27. Happy Birthday!! I would be happy to send you an invite to Pinterest if you still need one :-)


  28. Hey Lori, I just came across this blog post from FOLK magazine about a little greenhouse and thought of you. Just a couple of pictures, but pretty cute so wanted to share it with you.

  29. Happy Birthday..guess It's belated at this hour..
    I've seen the magazines and just loved the Flea market addition..

    I love how you are gona celebrate you B-day...to others it may not seem like a great way to spend the day but sounds like a peaceful way to spend the day and enjoy the sunshine on your face!!


  30. Happy Belated Birthday Lori! <3

    Those mags are awesome! My Mom has a picture of her gazebo in the Flea Market Gardens one. She was tickled that she had rec'd the call from the publishers asking to use one from a previous magazine post. Pretty cool!

    I'm on Pinterest, but don't have a lot of time to look around. It is fun to steal a minute here & there to browse though! I hope you get your invite soon!

  31. A belated Happy Birthday Lori!! Hope it was wonderful.
    Many Happy Stitches,
    Homespun Elegance


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