Sunday, January 08, 2012

I've the BLUES !

....Yes, I am feeling better,
and I want to thank you all for your comments
...& emails of get-well-wishes ~

and since I'm on-the-mend, I have been rummaging through my bins & BINS of fabric.

{{Note to Self: NEVER shop at another quilt shop again. ever. really.}}

I wanted to pull out some blue calico ~ for some reason, the blue calico's

remind me of our more humble was a color staple in our wardrobe,

since the indigo plant was grown in almost every household garden...

don't get me wrong, I love my browns, creams & turkey reds...
the blues always beckon me back in time.

in my last post I mentioned that I am working on smalls for the upcoming show at Donna's ~
Cabin Goods Gathering

and thought my finished needlework offerings
would be best-suited by using some of my blues fabrics...

rumply, crumply, wrinkled & folded ~
I don't mind the condition...
tattered & torn,
the more the better!

some of my calicos are repro's ~ offered in the late 1980's...
and some are the real deal...from the late 1880's.
I love them all the same :)

I'll try to snap some pics of some of the goods I'll be bringing to the show...
and perhaps post them tomorrow.

wishing you all a peaceful Sunday evening ~

blessings from the farm,


  1. Hello dear, glad you are feeling better now .. Love the blue fabric.. Can't wait to see your new creation with them,,
    Hugs cucki xxx

  2. Good to hear your feeling better seeing anything to do with old looking or old blue fabric...a favorite of mine too...

  3. Oh be still my heart!!! I LOVE the old blues!!! I can't wait to see your new creations...hugs!

  4. Yes, there is definitely something about blues. I'm looking forward to
    seeing some of your finished goods.

  5. glad to hear you are feeling better and love those blues .... has me thinking what I could make with them :) looking forward to seeing what you do :) take care love mouse xxxx

  6. So glad to hear you're feeling chipper, again!!
    I've finished all my commissions and am casting about for something new to do! I don't think YOU ever get a block for creative ideas!!

  7. Those are some beautiful colors and patterns. You have a neat collection. I would love to see some fabric from the 1800's. How neat. -Steph-

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better but when you have the "blues" like this, you have to be feeling on the up and up. Can't wait to see what your conjour up with these hoodoo blues fabrics. Sea Witch

  9. Can't wait to see what goodies you make...I love browns, reds, mustards and blues! Glad you are feeling better too! Take care, Janice


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