Monday, December 19, 2011

In between the Hustle-Bustle...

between the baking of cookies, shopping & decorating ~
writing christmas cards and shipping...

I rely on my needlework to keep me sane!
(& I'm pretty sure i'm in thee best of company)

Have you all had the pleasure of perusing this new magazine?

it hails form the UK, and I found mine at our Barnes & Noble Booksellers yesterday...
it is simply charming.
it is fresh, clean & has a kind of quiet-refinement that my overworked brain craves this time of year...if you get a chance, check it makes me happy!
of course, so does this:
my SEWING basket!

oh I have it all stocked-up alrighty...
pins, needles...pencils, punches,,,
scissors, threaders & even my little AMAZING-ly bright mini OTT Light

I keep these things right where I need to my comfy stitching/reading chair...
for those quiet moments (that aren't too abundant as-of-late), but cherished nonetheless :)
I'm working on charting the Feeding the Reindeer & Merry Yule patterns,
along with some new designs for (yikes!) Valentines Day & Easter
(say it isn't' so!)
BUT, please bear with me as I master yet another obstacle:
a brand new software program for designing my crass stitch patterns on this MAC!

Hoping you all have a creative day my Friends!
blessings from the farm,



some have emailed asking where I purchased my sewing basket ~Walmart is the answer!


  1. Thanks for the heads up on this new magazine Lori. Looks like a fun read. I also love your sewing basket......I know you'll make lots of magic.

  2. Good Morning, Lori,
    The U.K. has some terrific publications, and this is another one.
    Your sewing basket is lovely. I hope you enjoy the charting software.
    Merry Christmas,

  3. I will have to check out the magazine. And the comfy chair sounds good. Good luck on learning a new stitching program. Have a merry Christmas

  4. yup..your sewing basket is very sweet..i have a one like this too but material pattern is different..
    keep well..
    merry christmas
    hugs cucki xx

  5. An early new year's resolution is to catch up on some of my backlogged publications before acquiring more - you've just given me great incentive to "get to-it!" (And did you say MINI Ott Light????) Hmmmm....Santa - Is it to late to amend my list???? ;o) Smiles & Holiday Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Hi Lori,
    I'll have to look into that magazine. I didn't know they made mini OTT lights. Might have to get one of those for stitching. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas! Mary

  7. I have to run by the magazine display at the grocery store with my eyes averted to avoid buying anymore and here I find temptation in blogland. Hmmm, maybe just one more...Have a wonderful Christmas week! ~Roberta


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