Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just what the Doctor ordered...

an APPLE a day & here's mine:
still in the box & looking like something from the galley on the Starship Enterprise to me!

I will be unpacking this baby tomorrow, as we will also be getting our high speed internet ~

can you all give me a WOOHOO!!!!!
I am so excited about this, but know that it will take a little time to get used to.


with the workload that I will be having these next few weeks,
I have chosen to refund those of you who have ordered and have been patiently waiting for yours. right now I still can't obtain some of the patterns, and definitely don't have the 2 new ones charted up yet and DON'T want you to wait any longer....
~I feel better doing this so please accept this as a sincere thank you and your refund will be there for you...I have begun issuing them already, but as you know, paypal can sometimes be slow ~ AND I have a couple of hundred orders to go through but I WILL get to yours!
I will refund in order of purchase ~ meaning, if you ordered & paid on November 4th, 5th, will receive your refund back sooner than those of you who ordered on (for example) November 12th., 13th...etc...

As soon as I get things back in order, the computer up & running and everything comfy for me again, then I will relist the new designs again in my etsy shop if you would still like to purchase them...
As far as orders for any other (older) patterns, potpourri, frames...etc from my etsy shop, those will also be refunded at this time & I surely apologize for this, but with the extra workload upon me now I just won't have time to process them...
And for those shops that are waiting for orders for the NEW patterns (only) I will get them to my distributors asap.

If you visit my etsy shop, you will see that i have hung my "ON VACATION" sign up.
yeah...i WISH I was on vacation!!!!!!!
but,. that is there so that no new orders can be placed at this time...again, I will reopen it asap ~

If you have any questions regarding your order placed, please don't hesitate to email me at

the shop will be CLOSED on Friday December 2nd & Saturday DECEMBER 3RD
as I will be setting up and vending ath the Fishersville Expo Center for the Ol'e Time Christmas Show (see my sidebar)

SO there ya have it...a long-winded, hopefully clear post that helps me better serve you and not make you wait for something that you've paid for.

(((I don't like doing things like that & want to be fair to all of my customers!!! )))
Thanks for understanding!!!

I'll be back in a day or 2 and will be using my new iMac!!
can I get a woot wooot again!

blessings from the farm,



  1. A big "Whoo - Hoo!" for you, Lori. You will love that iMac more each day that you use it! My kids converted me a few years ago and there's no looking back. Good for you! The shop looks beautiful!

  2. yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee so happy for you :)
    have fun.
    hugs and love
    cucki xx

  3. I have a Mac Book and I LOVE mine. Happy for you!

  4. Awesome! When I quit work I hope to go back to Mac!

    Have fun.


  5. Hang in there Lori~~ Sounds like things are getting back on track for you.....Love the new puter~~

  6. Hang in there Lori~~ Sounds like things are getting back on track for you.....Love the new puter~~

  7. Oh Lori, you will LOVE your mac! I have been a mac person forever. They are AweSome! Just take a deep breath an carry on!

  8. ...Oh my goodness! I need to go to YOUR doctor! ;o)

    ...Congrat's on the new Mac! Woo-Hoo! :o)

    ...Remember to take deep breathes every now and then and to enjoy the scenery around you. I know this is a busy time for you and stressful too, so just take good care of yourself and enjoy the moment.

    ...Blessings :o)

  9. Oh you lucky girl! I want...NEEEEEDDDD a new computer desperately...not to mention high speed internet. Let me know how you like the satellite internet...that's our only other option out here where we live.

  10. Woot woot for you...and your new Mac!


  12. YAY MAC!!!
    I'm honored you left me your first "mac" comment!!!

    Have fun . . remember . . with a mac . . . it really is that easy! Just drag and click! :-)


  13. Hi Lori, Glad to hear your computer troubles are over and you got a Mac. I love mine. As a magazine journalist, I've always worked on them and found them so user-friendly for the most part. Kimber


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