Friday, October 28, 2011


Happy Friday Friends & Folk!
oh it has been a busy week...
...I've been finishing up frame orders,
working on new Xmas/Winter needlepunch designs,
stitching some wool applique's that may-or-may-not become patterns...

readying the woodstoves for the predicted SNOW tomorrow!
{{yes, I said a four-letter-word....}}
the little woolen mittens remind me of things to come :)

here is a preview of one of the new designs:
yes, it is a donkey!!
Hmmm,....I wonder who the inspiration for this design is?

and here is an almost finished wool applique':

I'm thinking of adding some stitching to the background,
but not sure exactly what yet,..any suggestions?

I have to thank ALL of you who are 'playing' in my giveaway game...WOW!
I had no idea there were so many bear & pincushion-lovers out there!
well...maybe I did, but I'm honored that so many of you have left such sweet comments~
Verizon & AOL are giving me fits lately...
IF you have emailed me in the last couple of days and I haven't replied,
it may be because I haven't received your PLEASE resend it!

Tonight is Hannah's last football game of 2011 as Drum Major...
it is also Senior Night, where all of the seniors & their parents are recognized by the school~
then tomorrow is the Nelson County Marching Governors last Band Competition
in Powhatan VA...
please keep your fingers crossed for Hannah that she will bring her band to the
Best in their Class awards!!!

Go GOVS GO!!!!!

Hoping you all have a beautiful day~

blessings from the farm,



  1. Best of Luck to Hannah~
    Wonderful works~ the donkey is adorable!!
    Love the new Halloween look!!

  2. Have fun & good luck this weekend with Hannah! How exciting! I think that this senior year will go by so quickly!
    And please say that you will release your wool applique as a pattern - oh please! I love it just as it is!
    Blessings, Patti

  3. Love that little donkey and the sweet mittens.....blessings

  4. Love the donkey ! Goodness I don't even want to think about snow yet!Have a great weekend!Hugs,Jen

  5. Wonderful new designs Lori....that donkey is all kinds of sweet - just like the inspiration....Good luck to Hannah and her band...Wow - last football game of 2011 - I remember vividly the post of her wearing a temporary outfit and the whole season was just yesterday! Stay warm and safe - Smiles & Friday Hugs ~ Robin

  6. i so much love the sweet donkey and the cute mittens..great job:)
    have a lovely weekend xxx

  7. I was just passing through and thought id stop and say hello. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.


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