Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sleepy Sunday ~

We arrived home after midnight last night, from Hannah's final band competition ~
they placed SECOND in their division!!! WOOHOO!!! congrats to Hannah & Skyler for their hard work (Skyler is in Drum Line) we are SO proud of you both & LOVE YOU!!!

so today, we slept in ~ until about 9:30!!!
most of you know I'm a very early riser, between 5:30 & 6 everyday...
...but today was different.
even Mr. Iggy is still tired!

Below is a preview of what I'll be offering on Tuesday November 1st's
Early Work Mercantile
~ along with a few other items...

below is a sneak of a new little Christmas sampler in the works, almost finished
that will be a pattern ~

I'm hoping to release this pattern and the needlepunch patterns early this coming week so you can get a head start on your Merry Making & crafting ~

it is a chilly day today here on the farm...

we woke to frost on the pumpkins ~ a beautiful sight ~ but by the time I grabbed my camera, the warm sun had melted the sparkling frost...oh well, just for my eyes I reckon.

I know that the Northeast has gotten alot of snow for this time of year,
so please be careful out there...stay warm & cozy!!!

oh, & some of you had emailed regarding not being able to 'see' my blog ~
I had to remove that wonderful Hallowe'en background so now it is 'naked' again except for the sweet header...hoping you can all see my blog now?

blessings from the farm,



  1. Congratulations Hannah & Skyler!!! Awesome accomplishment....And what wonderful stitches Miss Lori....You always manage to amaze me.....Hope you had a wonderful, family-filled, Sunday....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. congratulations to Hannah and skyler...big well done.
    beautiful embroidery and lovely stitching project..
    have a lovely day with full of fun xxx

  3. Hannah and Skyler Congratulations to both of you. Beautiful stitching. Our trees have just started to turn.

  4. Sleeping in sounds so nice. I can see your blog just fine. The samplers are going to be so neat when they are done. -Steph-

  5. I love your blog and am happy to say that I can now see it to read it.



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